Plant pests and disease guide

Guidance on the plant pests and diseases that are of a significant risk to Scotland.

Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (commonly known as Zebra chip) is a highly damaging pathogen of solanaceous plants, which has caused very serious losses to the production of potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and aubergine.

In potato the pathogen causes the disease zebra chip, which poses the most serious threat to the UK, though impacts on glasshouse production of tomatoes and peppers could also be damaging.

The disease is currently only known to be transmitted by the potato/tomato psyllid Bactericera cockerelli, which is not known to be present in Scotland.

Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum on the UK Plant Health Portal

Further information on Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum including signs of disease, current outbreaks and contingency planning on the UK Plant Health Portal.

If you suspect this disease

Contact the Scottish Government’s Horticulture and Marketing Unit by email:


If you suspect that a plant pest or disease is present on your premises, please contact us for advice at

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