Planning improvements for disabled pupils' access to education: guidance for education authorities, independent and grant-aided schools

Guidance to support responsible bodies in the development and maintenance of accessibility strategies.

Appendix C - Possible template for an Accessibility Strategy

1. These are the headings which are likely to be included in responsible bodies' accessibility strategies. However, this is only a suggested template and the format can be changed to whatever a responsible body feels is most suitable.

2. Where local authorities are developing the strategy within the GIRFEC framework, as part of the integrated children's service planning approach, then the format may be adapted to reflect the use of the wellbeing indicators.


  • Outline of what the strategy is for
  • Requirements of legislation and guidance
  • Time period covered

Approach to developing the strategy

  • Information about membership of the planning group
  • Summary of responsible body's assessment of current levels of accessibility of its schools and nursery classes
  • Summary of recent progress made and improvements implemented as a result of previous strategy
  • Summary of consultation/audits carried out in developing the strategy and how priorities were determined (if any criteria were used, these should be included)
  • Summary of key areas of accessibility/schools where improvements are needed

Increasing access to the curriculum

  • List of short, medium and long-term priorities for improvements in ensuring that pupils have access to a full curriculum - consider including: staff training - especially for mainstream class teachers, provision of learning support and auxiliaries, availability of auxiliary aids ( e.g. laptops), and provision for assessments and examinations
  • Targets to be met during the period of the strategy (include timescales)

Improving access to the physical environment

  • List of short, medium and long-term priorities for improvements in ensuring that pupils have physical access to schools - consider including: access to all school buildings/areas for pupils with physical disabilities, hearing impairments and visual impairments, improved access to sports facilities, school transport
  • Targets to be met during the period of the strategy (include timescales)
  • Ensure all planning refurbishments of schools have been looked at to consider whether improvements to access can be carried out as part of the work

Improving Communication and access to school information

  • List of short, medium and long-term priorities for improvements in ensuring that two-way communication with pupils can be improved. Consider including: improving the availability of school information/work in alternative forms for pupils with visual impairments, hearing impairments and learning difficulties, and ensuring that pupils' views are sought and taken account of; ensuring that any necessary communication aids/technology provided is supported, so that pupils can participate and communicate their views/their work to school staff
  • Targets to be met during the period of the strategy (include timescales)

Other issues

  • For example, include plans to raise awareness about disability amongst school staff and pupils through school activities.
  • Identify links and explain how connections will be made with other initiatives or programmes and plans such as the Children's Services Plan, the Improvement Plan, the Community Plan and School Development Plans.

Conclusions and Action Plan

  • Resulting action plan for each year, including details of who will take each target/action point forward, and any resources expected to be allocated for each target and the performance measure which will be used to evaluate whether the target has been achieved.


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