
Planning and Environmental Appeals: annual review 2020 to 2021

Planning and Environmental Appeals Division's annual review of its performance for 2020 to 2021.

Appendix A: Statistics on Workload and Performance Against Targets

Table 1: Volume of Cases* Handled by DPEA

Volume of Cases Handled by DPEA

Business Year In Hand at Start of The Year Received Delegated Appeals Decided Reports Submitted Withdrawn In Hand at End of Year
2020-21 191 437 365 38 28 197
2019-20 214 601 470 69 84 192
2018-19 217 710 586 40 87 214
2017-18 224 585 500 46 45 217
2016-17 213 549 443 50 45 224

*Includes appeal and non-appeal cases

The total number of cases sisted/suspended as at 31 March 2021 was 40.



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