Purchase to pay (P2P) reviews: guide for public bodies

Guide to requesting an independent review of your organisation's purchasing processes.


Below are some of the benefits that can be achieved by undertaking a P2P Review.

Benefit Description

Impartial review

Purchase to pay (P2P) reviews are carried out independently, providing a neutral and fresh pair of eyes to review systems and processes currently in place. This allows the public body to have an impartial review not hindered by what has gone before.

Honest opinions

As these reviews are independent, we find staff open up to give honest opinions during interviews and the online survey. This helps to create a clear picture of how the public body operates.


P2P Reviews highlight potential savings. These savings will be evidenced throughout the final presentation.

Review systems

As part of the P2P Review, all P2P systems will be assessed. This is to determine if there are any potential benefits that could be exploited by using additional/alternative functionality.

Optimise processes

The review will look at processes currently in place to establish if they could be improved.  This will include future proofing processes for implementation of new technologies, such as eInvoicing.

Facilitating change

A P2P Review is a catalyst to making changes to the P2P processes and systems within an organisation.  System users feel empowered to suggest changes, alongside making changes that will benefit the public body as a whole.



For more information contact the P2P review team at: einvoicing@gov.scot

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