
Non–binary equality action plan 2023-2028: progress report 2024

The report provides detail on the progress made during 2024, our first year of this five-year plan. It outlines some of our key achievements, and describes what we said we would do, what we have done, and what our next steps are.

Vision, Values, Outcomes and Objectives


Our vision is for Scotland to be a place where everyone’s identity is recognised, respected and celebrated. It should be a place where everybody can participate, access rights and opportunities and thrive in society


We are a society which treats all our people with kindness, dignity, and compassion, respects the rule of law and acts in an open and transparent way

National Outcomes

  • Human Rights: We respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination
  • Communities: We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe
  • Health: We are healthy and active
  • Children and Young People: We grow up loved, safe and respected so that we realise our full potential


Participation in Decision-Making

Non-binary people feel more empowered and able to participate in decision-making regardless of their socio-economic background


Non-binary people are increasingly able to access high quality, person-centred healthcare they need, at a place and time that is appropriate for them

Legislation, Guidance, Access to Services and IT Systems

The development of legislation, guidance and policy takes into account the non-binary community and removes barriers to non-binary people accessing services

Data and Research

More robust and comprehensive data and evidence will be gathered on the characteristics and experiences of non-binary people in Scotland

Children and Young People

Schools and support services have more inclusive processes and practices that take into account the needs of non-binary children and young people


Non-binary people increasingly feel welcomed and able to take part in sport



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