
Non–binary equality action plan 2023-2028: progress report 2024

The report provides detail on the progress made during 2024, our first year of this five-year plan. It outlines some of our key achievements, and describes what we said we would do, what we have done, and what our next steps are.

Spotlight on: Evidence Review on Non-Binary People's Experiences in Scotland

The Evidence Review on Non-Binary People's Experiences in Scotland presents existing evidence drawn from sources published by Scottish Government, third sector and academic reports. The evidence presented in the Review completes Action 7.5 of the Non-Binary Action Plan[2], by presenting qualitative and quantitative evidence that can be used to develop evidence-based inclusive policies to improve the lives of non-binary people in Scotland.

Engagement with stakeholders throughout the process provided valuable insight into the development of the Evidence Review. Delivering initial findings to the quarterly LGBTQI+ stakeholder meeting led us to understand that non-binary people and trans people largely reported similar experiences, and it was therefore agreed that research which included trans people was appropriate to include in this Review. Stakeholders were also valuable in providing additional sources of relevant qualitative and quantitative evidence throughout the writing process.

Primarily, existing evidence suggests that non-binary people face discrimination in multiple sectors of society such as education, health, communities, work, benefits and issues around homelessness. Further, the review of evidence highlighted that many non-binary people report disabilities and mental ill health, which demonstrates the need for greater intersectional approaches to policies and services.

The Review identified areas where limited data was found and that would benefit from further research, including experiences of services in which a gender binary is assumed, such as reproductive health and gender-based violence. The Review noted that the upcoming Census 2022 data[3] may be useful to improve evidence on non-binary people’s intersectional characteristics. The Equality Analysis team intend to analyse this data to explore if it can fill any identified evidence gaps relating to demographics and outcomes.



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