
Non–binary equality action plan 2023-2028: progress report 2024

The report provides detail on the progress made during 2024, our first year of this five-year plan. It outlines some of our key achievements, and describes what we said we would do, what we have done, and what our next steps are.

Children and Young People

Commitment 29

Embed the needs of non-binary children, and all LGBTQI+ children, into the delivery of a Bairns’ Hoose in Scotland.

Commitment 34

Work with the developers of SEEMiS to explore adding options other than male or female for recording pupils and engage with SEEMiS and the Qualifications Authority to ensure there is relevant linking and updating of guidance for schools.

Commitment 35

Evaluate the ongoing work of implementing LGBT Inclusive Education after one year, collaboratively with non-binary pupils, to investigate the specific impact of the work for them, and any changes needed to ensure that they equally benefit from the work in the future.

Action 8.1

What we said we would do

We will publish a Participation and Engagement Plan for children and young people. This will describe how the voices of children, including LGBTQI+ children, will be embedded in the development delivery of Bairns’ Hoose in Scotland.

What we have done so far

We published the Participation and Engagement Plan for children and young people in June 2023. We are working collaboratively with Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Bairns’ Hoose Pathfinder partnerships on the development of a children’s charter outlining how children and young people, including LGBTQI+ children, will be involved in the implementation of the Bairns’ Hoose Standards and the ongoing development of the Bairns’ Hoose model.

Next steps

We will continue to engage with Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Bairns’ Hoose Pathfinder partnerships to ensure that the voices of children and young people, including LGBTQI+ children, continue to be embedded into each partnership as a central focus during the Pathfinder phase and involved in the implementation of Bairns’ Hoose Standards. This work is ongoing and will be developed throughout 2025 to inform Bairns’ Hoose National Blueprint in spring 2027.

The timescale of this action has been adjusted from short-term to long-term due to the extension of the Pathfinder phase from spring 2025 to spring 2027 to allow additional time for gathering learning and embedding this transformative approach.




In progress

Action 8.2

What we said we would do

We will complete a Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact assessment on the Bairn’s Hoose Project, which will be informed by engagement with LGBTQI+ organisations.

What we have done so far

A Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) was completed during the Bairns’ Hoose Standards development. The aim of the current stage of Bairns’ Hoose development is to test these Standards.

Next steps

We will complete a Stage 3 evaluation of the CRWIA during the development of the Bairn’s Hoose National Blueprint, following the extended Pathfinder phase of Bairns’ Hoose. We will examine and evaluate the impact of Bairns’ Hoose, which will be informed by engagement with LGBTQI+ organisations. We will continue to examine and evaluate the impact of Bairns’ Hoose, informed by our engagement with children and young people, including LGBTQI+ children and the CRWIA requirement. The timescale of this action has been adjusted from short-term to long-term due to the extension of the Pathfinder phase from spring 2025 to spring 2027 to allow additional time for gathering learning and embedding this transformative approach.




In progress

Action 8.3

What we said we would do

We will conduct an Equality Impact Assessment, which will help shape our policy development and understand the impacts of Bairns’ Hoose on specific groups including LGBTQI+ children. This will be informed by engagement with LGBTQI+ organisations.

What we have done so far

We are progressing with the scoping and planning work for an Equality and Impact Assessment, which includes exploring opportunities for engagement with LGBTQI+ organisations.

Next steps

We will continue to collaborate with our key partners as we consider the specific needs of children with protected characteristics in 2025.




In progress

Action 8.4

What we said we would do

In conjunction with analytical colleagues, we will set dates to meet with SEEMiS to explore options to ensure non-binary identities are recognised, while ensuring consistency across school data management systems.

What we have done so far

Some progress has been made, however due to other competing priorities this has been limited in its impact on non-binary people.

Next steps

We will start to consider how to better recognise non-binary people in school. The timescale of this action has been adjusted from short-term to medium-term due to other competing priorities and to allow more time for progress. We expect resources to be freed up in early 2025 to allow us to make progress on this action.




In progress

Action 8.5

What we said we would do

We will evaluate the implementation of LGBT inclusive education one year after full implementation, including the impact of implementation upon the understanding and opinions of trans and non-binary pupils and their cisgender peers towards gender stereotypes and diverse gender identities including non-binary identities. We will work with stakeholders to convene a focus group of non-binary young people to share their experiences of education since the implementation of LGBT inclusive education.

What we have done so far

Some progress has been made, however due to other competing priorities this has been limited in its impact on non-binary people. Two research and evaluation reports have been published which provide details on the impact LGBTQI+ inclusive education has had on non-binary people. An evaluation found that school pupils had a greater understanding of prejudice and the options to report it. Further research highlighted that educational establishments participating in LGBTQI+ events showed that the majority of LGBTQI+ people felt supported in those settings.

Next steps

This timescale has been adjusted from short-term to medium-term to allow more time for progress to be made. We expect resources to be freed up in early 2025 to allow us to make further progress to better understand the impact and opinion of LGBTQI+ inclusive education on non-binary people in school.




In progress



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