
Oral health improvement strategy for priority groups

Strategy targeted at those vulnerable to poor oral health including frail older people, those with special care needs and homeless people.


A If all of the natural teeth have been lost, patients can be referred to a dentist or directly to a registered clinical dental technician. However, it is important that all individuals access an assessment of the soft tissues of the mouth with onward referral to a dentist as appropriate.

B Disease of the gums and supporting structures of the teeth.

C Oral cancers are defined here by ICD-10 codes: C00-06, C09, C10, C12-14, which includes cancers of the lip, oral cavity, tonsil, pyriform sinus, hypopharynx and other, ill-defined sites of this area.

D Distinctions should be made between the nutritionally well and those who are nutritionally vulnerable and advice modified to take account of the patient's overall requirements.

E If all of the natural teeth have been lost, patients can be referred to a dentist or directly to a registered clinical dental technician. However, it is important that all individuals access an assessment of the soft tissues of the mouth with onward referral to a dentist as appropriate.

F Where chlorhexidene or fluoride mouthwashes are unsuitable for medical reasons, for example when patients are unable to expectorate, alternative regimes, utilising gel or varnish should be used.



Email: Tom Ferris

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