
Oral health improvement strategy for priority groups

Strategy targeted at those vulnerable to poor oral health including frail older people, those with special care needs and homeless people.

Chapter Eight The Way Forward

A number of promising initiatives have been piloted to help improve the oral health of adults who may be more likely to suffer from poor oral health. The Core Preventive Programme will build on these existing models bringing together the best of this work and will be underpinned by six key elements: Needs assessment, evidence-based prevention, staff training, the right services, accessible information and quality of care (Figure 4).

We recognise that circumstances may vary across NHS boards and that sometimes a different approach will be needed in different settings. However, the key planks of the programme should be the same across Scotland.

The Core Preventive Programme, Smile will build on the principles of the Childsmile Programme. Smile Core will encourage and support toothbrushing and preventive care across the priority groups identified in the Strategy. The principles of the Core Programme which are applicable to all the dental priority groups are: needs assessment, evidence-based prevention of oral disease, accessible information, staff training and services. The Programme will be underpinned by the NHSScotland Quality Ambitions, for care which is safe person-centred and effective.

However, what is needed in each setting is slightly different and it is recognised that there will be additional elements to the overall programme which address the specific needs of each of the priority groups: Smile: Older People and those with Special Care Needs, and Smile: Homeless.

Each of these will address the specific needs of the named client groups and will build on the excellent work which is already taking place in NHS boards across Scotland.

From the model developed for Childsmile is has been identified that the key strategic elements required to support oral health improvement programmes are:

  • Evidence-based care.
  • Needs assessment.
  • Appropriate service model.
  • Accessible information.
  • Training of appropriate staff.

From Childsmile, it has been learned that a nationally consistent approach to the development of these elements is required for priority groups who are more vulnerable to poor oral health, with appropriate programmes designed to deliver better preventive care where it is needed. However, it is appreciated that, like Childsmile, the local implementation of the elements should be tailored to local need and circumstance.


Email: Tom Ferris

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