
Oral health improvement strategy for priority groups

Strategy targeted at those vulnerable to poor oral health including frail older people, those with special care needs and homeless people.


All Our Futures: Planning for a Scotland with an Ageing Population. Scottish Executive, 2007.

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Oral Health and Nutrition Guidance for Professionals

Oral Health Care for Older People 2020 Vision. A BDA Key Issue Policy Paper. British Dental Association, London, 2003.

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S. Turner et al. Oral health risk assessment of adults with learning disabilities: Current practice. Journal of Disability and Oral Health, 10(1), 2009: pp.11-17.

V.A.A. White et al. The provision of oral healthcare and support in care homes in Scotland. Journal of Disability and Oral Health, 10(3) 2009, pp. 99-106.


Email: Tom Ferris

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