National litter and flytipping consultation: strategic environmental assessment

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for the proposed actions for the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy.

Appendix D – Aims, Objectives and Actions for Flytipping

Flytipping Strategy

Behaviour Change


Improve flytipping messaging to ensure individuals are confident in their understanding of their role in disposing of waste appropriately and those who deliberately flytip are motivated and enabled to change their behaviour.


Understand the flytipping behaviours to allow targeted approaches to be developed.

Develop and adopt a shared approach between Scottish Government, Local Authorities, public agencies and the third sector to flytipping behaviour change across Scotland.


Conduct research to understand the full range of influences on flytipping behaviour across various contexts and audience groups and use this to design effective policy interventions.

Develop a sustained, evidence based, national anti-flytipping behaviour change campaign and deliver this consistently and collaboratively across Scotland.

Develop social media campaigns and guidance targeted at waste carriers and other businesses.

Services and Infrastructure


There is a resilient national framework which provides consistent and joined up services that are effective for both preventing flytipping where possible and tackling it effectively where it does occur.


Support development of consistent, innovative and effective waste services and infrastructure.

To provide support to private landowners and land managers that experience flytipping on their land.


Support and encourage information and resource sharing between Local Authorities, waste sector, SEPA and other organisations through the flytipping forum.

Explore the role of technology in assisting private landowners and land managers deter flytipping on their land.

Produce updated guidance for private landowners on dealing with flytipping.

Explore alternative financial support mechanisms available to private landowners.

Explore how to support and encourage more reuse and repair of products that are commonly flytipped.

Explore flexible approach to waste disposal, with a view to trial interventions.

Carry out research to create a single information point on the disposal of commonly flytipped materials.



A strong, consistent enforcement model that is fit for purpose and acts as an effective deterrent for flytipping behaviour.


Develop an effective enforcement model.

Improve consistency of enforcement practices across Scotland.


Conduct an evidence review of barriers to enforcement.

Develop guidance on enforcement best practices, including on private land and seek for this to be voluntarily adopted by statutory bodies.

Initially raise current fixed penalties issued by Police, Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park for flytipping to the maximum (£500) and explore possibility of raising the maximum further at a later date.

Explore raising current fixed penalties that can be issue by SEPA for flytipping offences to the maximum (£1000) and explore possibility of raising the maximum further at a later date.

Review existing legislative powers for enforcing flytipping offences.

Explore the ability to remove, suspend or deny Waste Carrier’s Registration to individuals/companies fined for flytipping.

Support information sharing on flytipping incidents and offenders between Local Authorities, Police and National Parks.

Create powers to enable seizure of vehicles by SEPA used in flytipping.

Explore the possibility and benefits of using civil penalties to enforce flytipping offences.

Data and Research


Understand the behaviours and drivers behind flytipping and collect data and establish a monitoring program which provides guidance for policy and evaluates actions undertaken.


Improve our understanding of the sources, levels and composition of flytipping.


Create a data sharing agreement and work with Local Authorities, other duty bodies, National Parks, private landowners and land managers, businesses and the third sector to improve consistency of data collected in Scotland.

Explore and seek to support the use of appropriate technology in data collection.

Work with stakeholders to improve consistency of data collection in Scotland.

Explore incorporating data into a national database.

Review the Dumb Dumpers system and ensure that a fit for purpose mechanism for citizen reporting of flytipping exists in Scotland.

Explore the development of a live picture of flytipping across Scotland.



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