
National Confidential Forum - A consultation on the creation of a Forum for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse in Residential Care

Consultation on propopsals to establish a National Confident Forum for Adults who were in care as children.

Annex A: Glossary and Abbreviations

Children's Homes

'Homes provided by local authorities for children in their care, and homes helped by voluntary contributions' (Historical Abuse Systemic Review, 2007)

Child Abuse

Any kind of child abuse as described in the five categories applied by the Scottish Government and based on guidance from 1998:

  • 'Physical Injury - Actual or attempted physical injury to a child, including the administration of toxic substances, where there is knowledge, or reasonable suspicion, that the injury was inflicted or knowingly not prevented.
  • Sexual Abuse - Any child may be deemed to have been sexually abused when any person(s), by design or neglect, exploits the child, directly or indirectly, in any activity intended to lead to the sexual arousal or other forms of gratification of that person or any other person(s) including organised networks. This definition holds whether or not there has been genital contact and whether or not the child is said to have initiated, or consented to, the behaviour.
  • Non-Organic Failure to Thrive - Children who significantly fail to reach normal growth and developmental milestones (i.e. physical growth, weight, motor, social and intellectual development) where physical and genetic reasons have been medically eliminated and a diagnosis of non-organic failure to thrive has been established.
  • Emotional Abuse - Failure to provide for the child's basic emotional needs such as to have a severe effect on the behaviour and development of the child.
  • Physical Neglect - This occurs when a child's essential needs are not met and this is likely to cause impairment to physical health and development. Such needs include food, clothing, cleanliness, shelter and warmth. A lack of appropriate care, including deprivation of access to health care, may result in persistent or severe exposure, through negligence, to circumstances which endanger the child.' (Scottish Office, Protecting Children - a Shared Responsibility: Guidance on inter-agency co-operation, Scottish Office, 1998)

Institutional Abuse

Any kind of child abuse as described in the five categories applied by the Scottish Government (see above) which occurs within an institutional setting.


A human rights Interaction is a forum for independent mediation and resolution involving key actors in finding a way forward within a human rights framework. It is a process where those affected and those with responsibilities are directly engaged in addressing the issue requiring resolution.

Public Bodies

Public Bodies play an important role in the delivery of public services in Scotland. Their functions range from health and social care to the arts, culture and the built environment. They are part of the wider delivery landscape of Scottish public services which includes local and regional government. For further information see

Residential Establishments

'An establishment managed by a local authority, voluntary organisation or any other person, which provides residential accommodation for the purposes of this Act'. (section 94 Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968)

Residential Schools

'Residential schools are... defined as residential accommodation for children cared for away from home with educational facilities on the premises.' (Kendrick, Appendix 2 Historical Abuse Systemic Review, 2007)


The National Strategy for Survivors of Childhood Abuse, launched in 2005. The strategy's aims are to:

  • Raise and improve knowledge and awareness of childhood abuse
  • Ensure joined-up working in mainstream services
  • Improve the lives of survivors
  • Develop training and skills for frontline workers

ADSW - Association of Directors of Social Work

CELCIS - Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland

COSLA - Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

EtCS - Education through Care Scotland

FBGA - Former Boys and Girls Abused (of Quarriers Homes)

Forum - National Confidential Forum

ICSSS - In Care Survivors Service Scotland

INCAS - In Care Abuse Survivors

SHRC - Scottish Human Rights Commission

SPS - Scottish Prison Service

TTBH - Time to be Heard


Email: Linda Watters

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