
National carers strategy: executive summary

Unpaid care is vital to how social care is provided in Scotland, and the value of the dedication and expertise of carers cannot be overstated. This strategy sets out a range of actions to ensure they are supported fully in a joined up and cohesive way.


1. The Scottish Government (2015). Scotland's Carers report.

2. The European Commission (2022). A European Care Strategy for caregivers and care receivers - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion.

3. Scottish Government. (2022) National Performance Framework. National Outcomes.

4. The Scottish Government (2015). Scotland's Carers

5. Information Service Division (2019). NHS Scotland National Workforce Statistics.

Scottish Social Services Council (2017). Report on Workface Data.

6. The Scottish Government (2022) Scotland's Carers Update Release

7. Public Health Scotland (2021) Population groups: older people.

8. Hirst, M. (2005) Health Inequalities and Informal Care - End of Project Report.

9. Becker (2007).

10. Morrow (2005); Moore and McArthur (2007); Cass et al. (2009).

11. Moore and McArthur (2007).

12. McAndrew, Warne, Fallon and Moran (2012).

13. Scotland's Census (2011): 2011 census | Scotland's Census (

14. Carers Trust (2020). Protecting the Health and Wellbeing of Young Carers.



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