
National carers strategy: executive summary

Unpaid care is vital to how social care is provided in Scotland, and the value of the dedication and expertise of carers cannot be overstated. This strategy sets out a range of actions to ensure they are supported fully in a joined up and cohesive way.

7. Carer Quotes

All quotes provided by carer centres across Scotland

"Many thanks for all your support… It has been a great help receiving all your emails during covid, very informative and comforting. Many many thanks. You are doing a great job."

"When hands of time move slowly and the days merge into one another, your interest in my wellbeing provides the encouragement I need to begin again. Thank you for your constant support, the way you lift my spirit, and for checking on how I am doing, my friend whom I have yet to meet."

"I spent a very relaxing break round B&Q this afternoon and purchased my needed supply of birdie seeds etc. using your voucher. The voucher, with the help and insistence of my daughter gave me an hour away from the house and doing something I haven't been able to do for years - just wondering round B&Q - people don't realise how much a wee break like this benefits a permanent carer. Thank you again."

"A few months ago I was in a state of stress, you have helped me an awful lot. I totally feel back in control again."

"I took my three night break this week and I just want to express my thanks for organising this for me. I had such a lovely time (the resort was fantastic) and it did me the world of good to get away and to have some much needed uninterrupted sleep. So thank you."

"I just wanted to say that I think you are doing an amazing job. It could be that I have more head space to read emails and newsletters in the last couple of years, but actually I think it's more that you are offering more and more things that are useful for me, personally, in formats that are easy for me. And I am so very grateful! There's the holiday in January, the focus group with the social worker for unpaid carers, the art group during lockdown, the info about carer's legislation, links to surveys, and I'm sure I'm not remembering everything."



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