National action plan to tackle child sexual exploitation: final report

Sets out the range of achievements and activity delivered since 2016 to prevent and tackle child sexual exploitation.

Annex D: Theory of Change

The CSE Group, in partnership with stakeholders, developed the Theory of Change to support the development of clear aims and strategies in tackling CSE and define the actions required to effectively tackle CSE in Scotland.

Theory of Change
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  • Long term outcomes (lines 1 and 2)
  • Intermediate outcomes (line 3)
  • Contributory outcomes (lines 4, 5 and 6)

Line 1:

Sexual exploitation of children and young people is eliminated

Line 2:

Children and young people are protected from harm

Our society is a hostile place for perpetrators and facilitators of child sexual exploitation

Line 3:

  • The risk that children and young people are sexually exploited is reduced through a focus on prevention and early identification
  • Children and young people at risk of or experiencing sexual exploitation and their families receive appropriate and high quality support
  • Perpetrators are stopped, brought to justice and are less likely to re-offend
  • Cultural and social barriers to preventing and tackling child sexual exploitation are reduced

Line 4:

  • Young people are resilient and are equipped to help themselves and their peers
  • Children and young people at risk of sexual exploitation are identified (early)
  • An appropriate range of high quality services are available
  • Children and young people affected by sexual exploitation are identified (early)
  • Perpetrators and facilitators of sexual exploitation are held to account through the criminal justice system
  • Perpetrators are supported to change their thoughts and behaviour
  • Communities feel empowered to report abuse

Line 5:

  • Legal preventative measures are robust and used effectively
  • Practitioners are equipped with the knowledge and skills to recognise and respond appropriately to the needs of children and young people at risk or affected by sexual exploitation
  • Perpetrators and facilitators of child sexual exploitation are disrupted
  • Children and young people affected by sexual exploitation are encouraged to report abuse
  • Social tolerance of gender inequalities is reduced

Line 6:

  • People who are at risk of sexually exploiting children are supported to change their thoughts and behaviour
  • Increased understanding amongst parents and the wider public of all forms of CSE, including risks and indicators, and appropriate responses
  • Perpetrators are identified (early)
  • Increased public and practitioner understanding that child sexual exploitation can affect boys and girls from any background or community
  • Increased public and practitioner understanding that child sexual exploitation is a form of child sexual abuse



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