
Minimum Income Guarantee: Experts by Experience Panel report

The full report from the Minimum Income Guarantee Experts by Experience Panel who have deliberated on the complexities of designing a Minimum Income Guarantee and provided rich insights which will continue to inform the Expert Group’s decision making.

Principle seven: wellbeing

The Minimum Income Guarantee should be delivered to support financial, physical and mental wellbeing. The system should provide financial security and collaborating with services which empowers people to make genuine choices and participate in society.


This principle is about the importance of financial security and de-stigmatisation of both physical and mental health. Poverty and misfortune are not a personal failing but a reflection on society. When all people have good physical and mental health they can flourish and contribute positively to society.


  • All parties agree payment procedures.
  • People can choose service/support that meets individual needs.
  • Late and withholding of payments is not ethically acceptable.
  • Equitable cashflows.
  • Allowing people to work part time, enabling people to get back to work in stages according to their ability - allow people to try work and easily go back to Minimum Income Guarantee if they can't manage work yet.
  • Addiction as a condition, considering appropriate help and support for those with addiction so they are looked after properly.


  • Support - supporting people to find services, work etc. to suit their individual needs.
  • Building on work of previous generations, for benefit of future generations.
  • Happiness, freedom from worry.
  • Freedom from financial hardship and misfortune (e.g. COVID).
  • Human rights - to be healthy and happy.
  • Healthy and happy foundation for everyone's future.
  • 'Benefit to one is a benefit to all'.

Poverty as an institutional barrier/violation of human rights.


29 members voted on the level of support for this principle. Overall supported by 96% of panel members of which:

  • 77% (22 members) 'strongly support'
  • 20% (6 members) 'support'
  • and 3% (one member) 'strongly oppose'

Members were asked, "if you do not support principle seven, please tell us what would be needed for you to support it".

No members provided comments on how their support would be increased. As explained in the introduction, one member who disagrees with the idea of a Minimum Income Guarantee used this space to further emphasise their disagreement.



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