Mental health and wellbeing strategy: delivery plan 2023-2025

Mental health and wellbeing strategy delivery plan describing the work that we will undertake to improving mental health for everyone in Scotland covering the period 2023 to 2025.


Achieving the shared vision set out in the Strategy will require a cross-government, whole system and sustained response. We are committed to working with and investing alongside our local and national partners (public, private and third sector).

The Financial Framework in the Strategy recognised that, as the current financial challenges are likely to continue over the next few years, it is even more important to ensure that investment is effectively targeted to deliver sustainable and high-impact services and support. In this context, this Strategy will provide a framework for prioritising resources across the system over the next ten years.

The duty of Best Value applies to Scottish Government, local authorities and all public bodies in Scotland and is relevant both to new programmes of work and to how we use existing funding in the system to improve performance and outcomes. Adequate funding that is fully aligned with the Strategy outcomes will be required to support effective delivery. We will work across local and national government and relevant partners to determine adequate costings and we will work together to identify how this will be funded, whether this is through additional funding or by using existing resources more effectively. In implementing the actions in this Delivery Plan, we will work with partners to ensure we recognise pressures and look to reprioritise actions and drive efficiencies to ensure we can focus on agreed priorities while recognising wider financial pressures.

Funding decisions and the principles which underpin these will be built into the new governance arrangements for the Strategy. This will also include arrangements for evaluating and monitoring the impact of investment against the Strategy’s outcomes, which will inform ongoing and future resourcing. Decision- making will align with the joint understanding of the separate accountabilities and responsibilities of the key partner organisations and partnerships.



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