
Making Scotland's future - a recovery plan for manufacturing: June 2021 - final

Final version of "Making Scotland's future - a recovery plan for manufacturing" following the 10-week consultation of a draft plan published in Dec 2020. This details a revised set of actions, established by industry, public sector, trade union and academia, to be taken forward by the end of 2021.


Following the consultation exercise launched on 4 December 2020, the consultation analysis was subsequently published on 24 March 2021. The results of that consultation have been considered by the partnership with the following activities being taken forward in response:

  • feedback used to support and enhance the planning of action delivery; and
  • actions being amended to reflect suggestions where appropriate.

Some actions have also been combined or removed. This is to reflect activity within the policy and delivery environment as the Scottish Government and partners have continued to respond to the pandemic's impacts since the original publication resulting in proposals being superseded.

The revised suite of actions below focuses on identifying opportunities for both recovery and growth, and complements the range of business support measures that has already been made available to help the Scottish sector.

In the interests of transparency, Annex 3 – "You said/Our response" provides a table of key points raised in the consultation exercise to give clarity on where the Manufacturing Recovery Plan has incorporated or considered these asks within its planning as well as highlighting existing support that is currently available.

The annex reflects the four sub-groups' responses to some of the specific points that were raised or, where appropriate, wider themes that emerged from the consultation.

A record of responses received to the consultation (where permission by respondees to do so was given) will also be published on the Scottish Government Consultation Hub.

Any further comments on the contents of the Manufacturing Recovery Plan or these supporting documents are welcomed and should be sent via email to



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