
Islands Bond: consultation responses analysis

External analysis of Islands Bond online consultation responses, carried out by Griesbach and Associates.


1. National Records of Scotland (2015) Scotland's Census 2011. Inhabited islands report.

2. It should be noted that the online questionnaire and the offline questionnaire included in the consultation paper were slightly different. Throughout this report, references to the consultation questions are based on those included in the online questionnaire – the version completed by the vast majority of respondents.

3. Protected characteristics are defined by the Equality Act 2010 and comprise age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

4. The island / island group options provided were based on those used in the National Islands Plan Survey.

5. Note that, for the purposes of this analysis, all local authorities with island communities have been categorised as 'island respondents' even in cases where the local authority's main office is on the Scottish mainland. Organisations that have a national remit have been categorised as 'non-island respondents' – even if their main office is based in the islands – to distinguish them from those organisations with an islands-only focus.

6. The 'Unknown location' group included respondents who answered Question 2 to say, 'I am not an island resident', but then they did not provide any further information (such as their postcode or a statement about their location in their response) to enable their location to be ascertained. This group also included respondents who did not answer Question 2 (and who also did not provide a postcode or a statement about their location in their response). For the purposes of the analysis, it has been assumed that if a respondent was an island resident, they would have indicated this at Question 2. Thus, if the respondent did not answer Question 2, it has been assumed that they are a non-island resident even if no other information is available about their location.

7. Note that Question 2 was a closed question which asked respondents to indicate whether or not they lived in the islands, and if so, where. An analysis of the responses to Question 2 has been presented in Chapter 2.

8. The choices offered to respondents in the online consultation response form were different to those included in the consultation paper itself. As the vast majority of respondents used the online form to submit their responses, the analysis here is based on the choices given in the online form.

9. Note, again, that non-island residents have been excluded from this analysis.

10. Note that the offline questionnaire asked a slightly different open question as follows: How do you think that the Islands Bond may impact on those with protected characteristics? The analysis presented here is based on the online questionnaire which was used by the vast majority of respondents.



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