
Fair Start Scotland employability service - year 4: online survey results

Findings from a series of three short online surveys with participants of Fair Start Scotland (FSS) employability service. Surveys focused on experiences of in-work support, of re-joining FSS and on support for parents. The report covers year 4 (April 2021 to March 2022) of FSS.

7. Conclusion

The purpose of this work was to provide evidence on the views and experiences of FSS participants who joined the service in Year 4 (April 2021 – March 2022). In particular, the views of in-work support from those FSS participants who started on a job while taking part in FSS (Survey 1), the views on re-joining the service from those FSS participants who started on the service more than once (Survey 2) and views on the support received by those service participants who were parents (Survey 3).

While each of the three surveys provided insights into views and experiences of the particular group of participants among those who joined the service in Year 4 of its delivery, some comparisons across the three surveys can also be drawn. Survey participants across all three surveys highlighted the importance of regular contact with the key worker and encouragement were aspects of support that they felt they benefited from. Further, the majority of survey participants for both the survey with those who started on a job while taking part in FSS (Survey 1) and the survey with parents (Survey 3) felt the support they received had helped them to move towards and into work (no comparable data is available for participants in Survey 2 those who re-joined the service).

Contact details:

Marta Krasuska:



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