
Inpatient Experience Survey 2018: technical report

This report provides information on the technical aspects of the 2018 Inpatient Experience Survey, including development, implementation, analysis and reporting.

2. Outputs from the Survey

A report containing the National results is available on the Scottish Government website at

Interactive Dashboard

As described above, in addition to the national report, there are local results for Regions, NHS Boards and hospitals available via an interactive dashboard at

This dashboard also contains results at strata level. Strata were agreed with each NHS Board to meet their needs in providing local results at the most useful level. These strata were defined either at site (hospital) level, sub-site (directorate or grouped specialities) level or as groupings of smaller hospitals, depending on what was most appropriate for each NHS Board.

The dashboard consists of seven components:

  • Overall Experience: A chart based on the overall experience question and a trend covering 2014 to 2018. Users are able to select and compare two areas across all levels.

  • Detailed Experience Ratings: Results for the per cent positive style questions in the survey (as listed in Annex A), shown as the percentage of people who answered each question. Bar charts showing the positive / neutral / negative split are also provided. Additional charts show the per cent positive rating over time (since 2014) where appropriate.

    Users are able to select and compare two areas across all levels. They can also choose the questions they wish to display by selecting from a dropdown menu.

  • Summary of Positive Experience: A scatter plot giving an overview of all per cent positive questions.

  • Maps of Experience Ratings: A map showing the per cent positive results for individual questions at NHS Board or hospital level.

  • Most Positive and Negative Experience Ratings: The most positively and negatively rated questions, up to a maximum of ten. Users can switch between most positive and negative; choose how many questions to view; and are able to select and compare two areas across all levels.

  • Other Experience Questions: Percentage breakdowns for non-per cent positive style questions, i.e. where the categories of response cannot be put on a positive-negative scale. This includes demographic information. Users can choose questions to be displayed from a dropdown menu and are able to select and compare two areas across all levels.

  • Variation in Positive Experience Ratings: Charts showing per cent positive results in relation to a range of per cent positive results. The range will be that of all areas within that level, i.e. if an NHS Board is selected the range would be that of all NHS Boards. The national figure will be indicated on all charts.

    Users will be able to choose the questions they wish to display and select areas within NHS Boards and hospitals.

More detailed explanatory notes on how to navigate and interpret the dashboards are available on the website text accompanying the dashboards. The dashboard will be reviewed and updates made based on user feedback.


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