
Improving educational outcomes for children and young people from travelling cultures: guidance

Guidance for local authorities, schools, early learning and childcare settings to help support children, young people and their families to engage in education.

Annex C. Data and intelligence key to improving Traveller outcomes

Data/ intelligence relating to: Reflective questions and how the data/ intelligence might be used

How does attendance of Traveller children when they are in school compare to non-Travellers?

If children attend other schools whilst travelling, do you have arrangements for sharing information with those other schools?

Exclusions and behaviour

What does data/ intelligence tell you about the behaviour of Traveller pupils?

Do you understand the reasons behind any negative behaviour and have they been considered in developing plans and strategies to support behaviour?

Record of racist incidents/bullying

Do you capture information about race or other relevant characteristics in your incident reporting?

Are Travellers more likely to experience a racist incident, and if so, do you understand why?

Are your school's ethos and values clear that racism will not be tolerated?

Could your anti-bullying policy do more to prevent incidents?

Feedback from pupils and parents (including on engagement, enjoyment, and health and wellbeing)

What does this tell you about how well you are meeting the needs of traveller children/young people and their family?

Do you need to do more to seek and enable good feedback?

Parental engagement

What levels of parental engagement do you have with Traveller families compared to others?

How effectively are parental engagement approaches adapted to meet the particular needs of Traveller families?

Evidence of considering Traveller children's cultural background

Do you provide relevant and meaningful learning activities which reflect the cultural background of Traveller children?

Do you promote personal development and encourage pupils' self-esteem, cultural identity, aspirations and career choice?

Are you taking into account culture differences and inter-personal relationships to develop appropriate, and sometimes flexible, learning opportunities to suit individual learning styles?

Transitions data

What does transitions data tell you about the effectiveness of transitions arrangements for Traveller children?

Do you have effective practices for promptly accessing information about children's prior learning (when they either enrol or return to your school) which is then used to develop an appropriate plan for learning?

Do you consider whether a personalised transition plan would be of benefit for Traveller children?

Additional support for learning

Do you fully understand the types of additional support needs your Travellers have, or may have?

How well does the school meet their additional support needs?

What assessments have been undertaken, and what has been the outcome?

Performance data used to track progress and achievement

What does this tell you about progress of Travellers in your school? What do you recognise as 'achievements' and do these reflect achievements relevant to different Traveller cultures?

Are targets set for Travellers who experience interrupted learning or other barriers to learning sufficiently stretching?

Do you understand what expectations Traveller children have for themselves, and what expectations Traveller parents have for their children?

Attainment and positive destinations

How does data for Travellers compare to data for peers?

Do you understand the reasons behind these differences?

Do you set stretching targets for Travellers to drive improvements in learning provision?

Evidence of good practice

Do you look for evidence of good practice, in and out of school, and share it with practitioners?

Do staff share their experience and learning with colleagues?

The local Traveller community/ies

Do you know whether Travellers live in your school community?

What local information will help you better understand your local Traveller community's education needs?


Email: Lynne Carter

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