Housing statistics 2018: key trends summary
Annual statistics up to 31 March 2017 on total new housing supply in Scotland across all sectors, along with information on various elements of local authority housing such as stock, lettings, house sales, evictions, housing lists, and housing for older people and people with disabilities.
New Housing Supply
19,428 new houses were built, refurbished or converted in 2017-18, 745 homes (4%) more than in 2016-17. New housing supply remains well below pre-recession levels and is 30% below the 2007-08 figure of 27,594, however annual supply has increased by 4,488 homes (30%) since 2012-13.
New housing supply comprises the following elements:
- new house building: houses completed by or for housing associations, local authorities or private developers for market sale, below market rent or low cost home ownership;
- rehabilitation: houses acquired by housing associations and refurbished either for rent or low cost home ownership. Refurbishment of private dwellings funded wholly or partly through the Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP); and
- conversion: net new dwellings created by conversion from non-housing to housing use or by alterations to existing dwellings in all tenures.
The supply of new housing increased by 745 homes (4%) between 2016-17 and 2017-18. There were 3,130 housing association new build completions in 2017-18, an increase of 382 homes or 14% on the previous year. Local authority new build completions totalled 1,499 homes, an increase of 381 homes (34%) compared with 2016-17. A total of 13,102 homes were built by the private sector in 2017-18, a decrease of 325 homes (2%) from the 13,427 homes built in 2016-17. The number of rehabilitations increased from 599 in 2016-17 to 958 in 2017-18, and the number of buildings converted to housing use decreased by 52 homes from 791 to 739. See Table 1 below and Chart 1 (page1).
Table 1: Components of new housing supply in Scotland
The components of housing supply within each local authority area for 2017-18 are shown in Chart 2. Together Edinburgh, Glasgow and Fife accounted for almost a third of Scotland’s new housing supply.
The proportions of housing supply accounted for by each grouping vary by local authority. For example, in Glasgow 42% of the new supply was housing association homes, 35% of supply related to rehabilitations, and 23% from private led construction. The majority (73%) of the new supply in Edinburgh was from private sector new build with a further 11% from housing association new build and 14% from conversions. Private sector new build accounted for 98% of East Renfrewshire’s new housing supply. Fife (29%) had the highest proportions of their new supply as local authority new build housing.
Chart 2: Supply of new housing in Scotland, 2017-18

Link to Housing Supply tables: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Housing-Regeneration/HSfS/NewHousingSupply
Katrina Caldwell: housing.statistics@gov.scot
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