
Housing to 2040: consultation analysis

Report summarising and describing the responses to the public consultation on Housing to 2040.

Appendix 2: List of acronyms

List of acronyms

4/5GDH - 4th/5th Generation District Heating

AHSP - Affordable Housing Supply Programme

BPE - Building Performance Evaluation

CCLH - Co-operative and Community-led Housing

DDA - Disability Discrimination Act

EESSH - Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing

EHRC - Equality and Human Rights Commission

EPC - Energy Performance Certificate

EU - European Union

H&SC - Health & Social Care

LIFT - Low-cost Initiative for First-Time Buyers

LBTT - Land and Buildings Transaction Tax

MMC - Modern Methods of Construction

MND - Motor Neuron Disease

NHS - National Health Service

POE - Post-Occupancy Evaluation

PRS - Private Rented Sector

RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland

RCOT - Royal College Of Occupational Therapists

RIHF - Rural and Island Housing Fund

RPA - Resource Planning Assumption

RSL - Registered Social Landlord

SAP - Standard Assessment Procedure

SDLT - Stamp Duty Land Tax

SEPA - Scottish Environmental Protection Agency

SGN - Scottish Gas Network

SHIP - Strategic Housing Investment Plan

SME - Small or Medium Sized Enterprise

TEC - Technologically Enabled Care

TRA - Transformational Regeneration Area

ULTDH - Ultra-Low Temperature District Heating

VAT - Value Added Tax

WC - Water Closet



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