Health and work support pilot: interim evaluation report

Overview of the implementation and early delivery phase of the Health and Work Support pilot, during the period June 2018 and March 2019.


1 Please note that this directorate, which is joint funded by the Department for Work & Pensions and the Department for Health & Social Care, was previously known as the Work and Health Unit.


3 Following the development of this report, target numbers have been re-profiled – see Appendix 3 for more details on this and responses to other recommendations from this report.

4 Case Management is a generic terms with many definitions however it tends to be defined by a focus on the planning and co-ordination of care for an individual as opposed to the delivery of clinical interventions (see Hutt et al, (2004) ‘Case-Managing Long Term Conditions’ London: King’s Fund). Within the Health & Work Support pilot, assessment, care planning and co-ordination, review and discharge functions form the central tasks of case management.

5 Biopsychosocial refers to a holistic approach to service delivery which incorporates consideration of an individual’s wider socio-environmental situation in addition to their biological and psychological health. (See Engel, G. L. (1977) “The Need for a New Medical Model: a Challenge for Biomedicine” Science Vol. 196 (4286): 129 - 36).

6 Scottish Government (2018), No One Left Behind: Next Steps for the Integration and Alignment of Employability Support in Scotland -

7 Scottish Government (2018), A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People: Employment Action Plan -

8 Scottish Government (2017), Mental health Strategy 2017 – 2027-

9 See for more details.

10 Note that HWL & WHSS continue to run as national services across the rest of Scotland.

11 See figure 1 below for a diagrammatic representation of the pilots service delivery model.

12 Please note that Healthy Working Lives (HWL) is an umbrella term referring to a programme of services delivered in partnership by the territorial Health Boards and NHS Scotland. Within this report the term HWL is used to generally refer to the work of two teams working under the HWL banner; one providing call handling duties for the pilot’s phone number (delivered by the national HWL team) and the other providing support to employers within the pilot areas (delivered by the local HWL team members located in NHS Tayside and NHS Fife).

13 Primarily physiotherapy and counselling which are provided by a combination of in-house and commissioned delivery.

14 It should be noted that although not originally included in the pilot, clients who are employed by large organisations with access to Occupational Health (OH) services are now considered eligible for the service under certain circumstances. This change was made as it was felt that there were situations in which employees of large organisations may have concerns around their OH provision, experience difficulty accessing it, or their in-house OH services may not be capable of meeting their needs (e.g. through limited availability of clinical services such as physiotherapy).


16 Please note that data presented here may differ from those in Scottish Government statistics publications as the data was extracted from the management information system at different points in time.

17 This data was from completed clinical assessments and may omit service users for whom clinical assessments were carried out and not recorded.

18 Please note that individuals on sick leave are counted as part of the employed group.

19 The majority of data collected is recorded within the Syntax system (which is provided by Salus) with both Salus call handlers and local Case Managers inputting into this system.

20 It should be noted that, due to the lack of availability of analytical staff during the design stages, the development of data collection systems was led by Case Management Staff.

21 Example of changes include widening of eligibility criteria to include clients employed by large organisations (more than 250 employees).

22 For example a potential client journey could involve contact with; HWL call handler > Salus Call Handler > Duty Case Manager > Case Manager > Physiotherapist / Counsellor

23 Goodman C, Drennan V, Davies S, Masey H, Gage H, Scott C, Manthorpe J, Brearley S, Iliffe S

(2010). Nurses as Case Managers in Primary Care: The contribution to chronic disease management.

Report for the National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation programme.

24 Chapman L, Smith A, Williams V, Oliver D (2009). ‘Community matrons: primary care

professionals’ views and experiences’. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 65, no 8, pp 1617–25.

25 Ross S, Curry N, Goodwin N (2011). ‘Case Management: What it is and how it can be implemented’. King’s Fund.

26 Derived from National Records of Scotland 2018 Population Estimates



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