Guidance on Health Assessments for Looked After Children in Scotland

This guidance has been produced to assist those involved in carrying out health assessments of our looked after children and young people. It sets out the minimum standardised elements of a health care pathway which we would expect Boards to implement in collaboration with local authorities and other organisations.

Annex A

Subset of Data to be Captured on All Looked After Children and Young People's Health Assessments

The following core subset of information should be captured electronically on all completed assessments using the definitions specified.

Variable Definitions Comment
Child's personal identifiers and demographics
First name
Surname / family name
Gender Male/female
Ethnicity See code list at end
Family home postcode Full postcode e.g. EH12 9EB
Current residence postcode Full postcode e.g. EH12 9EB
CHI number Unique identifier of patients within Scottish health service
LA child social work identifier Unique identifier of children within LA management information systems If known
Scottish Candidate Number Unique identifier of pupils within the Scottish education system If known
Looked after history
Looked after status See code list at end
Date this episode of being looked after started DD/MM/YYYY
First episode of being looked after? Yes/no
Assessment provision
Date of health assessment DD/MM/YYYY Indicate date on which assessment was completed if undertaken over more than one appointment
Professional conducting assessment Health Visitor School Nurse LAC specialist nurse General practitioner Community paediatrician Other Tick all that apply if more than one professional involved
Health Assessment
Weight Weight in kg to one decimal place Weight and height centiles, BMI, and BMI centile can be calculated from this, date of birth, date of review, and gender
Height Height in cm to one decimal place
Gestation Gestation at delivery in completed weeks For infants aged <1 year only to indicate if gestational correction needed when calculating growth centiles
Developmental concern No concern, concern newly suspected (i.e. as a result of the health assessment), concern/disorder previously identified Concern about a child's development in any domain (e.g. motor, language, cognitive, social) identified after history, observation, and any formal assessments such as SOGs or ASQ For children aged 0-9 years only to fit with BAAF form? If so, note this doesn't quite fit with the age appropriate assessment content suggested in this guidance
Child fully immunised for age Yes/no Based on current Scottish vaccination schedule, child's vaccination history, and child's age
Dental Health
Currently registered with a dentist Yes/no
Attended dentist within last 12 months? Yes/no Lower age limit eg ≥1 year?
Mental Health
SDQ result Score for each of the SDQ subscales ie Emotional symptoms Conduct problems Hyperactivity Peer problems Prosocial
Type of SDQ used Parent completed 4-16 years Teacher completed 4-16 years Parent completed 3-4 years Educator completed 3-4 years Self completed 11-17 years This may be needed to understand the scores recorded above
Substance use
Current smoker Does the child smoke at least one cigarette a week (SALSUS and Scottish Health Survey definition for children) Note this is not clearly recorded in the BAAF form but I would have thought this was pretty straightforward to collect. Children age ≥11 years only
Has a disability Binary yes/no. If yes, longer list of types of disability to select from (e.g. list of longstanding illnesses from Scottish Health Survey).

Ethnicity code list

Please note that this code list is the one developed for the 2011 census and is used as standard across the NHS. Alternative code lists should not be used.
Code 99 indicates that the individual was not asked to give their ethnicity. If they are asked but decline to answer, code 98 should be used.

Group A - White
1A Scottish
1B Other British
1C Irish
1K Gypsy/ Traveller
1L Polish
1Z Other white ethnic group

Group B - Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
2A Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups

Group C - Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British
3F Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British
3G Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British
3H Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British
3J Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British
3Z Other Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British

Group D - African
4D African, African Scottish or African British
4Y Other African

Group E - Caribbean or Black
5C Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British
5D Black, Black Scottish or Black British
5Y Other Caribbean or Black

Group F - Other ethnic group
6A Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British
6Z Other ethnic group

Group G - Refused/Not provided by patient
98 Refused/Not provided by patient

Group H - Not Known
99 Not Known

Looked after status code list

Please note that this code list is that used by the Scottish Government for national LAC returns. Alternative code lists should not be used.

01 At home with parents (or 'relevant persons' as defined in Sec. 93(2)(b) of the Children's (Scotland) Act 1995)
02 With friends/relatives (who are not approved foster carers)
03 With foster carers provided by local authority
04 With foster carers purchased by local authority
05 With prospective adopters
06 In other community placement (e.g. supported accommodation)
07 In Local Authority home
08 In voluntary home
09 In residential school (LA, voluntary, private or independent)
10 In secure accommodation
11 Crisis care (e.g. women's refuge, hostel for offenders, hostel for drug/alcohol abusers)
12 Other residential setting


Email: Carolyn Younie

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