Electricity Act 1989 - section 36 applications: guidance for applicants on using the design envelope

Guidance from Marine Scotland and the Energy Consents Unit on using the design envelope approach for applications under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 where flexibility is required in applications.

6. Consistency across documentation

6.1. Ensuring consistency of approach to flexibility across application documents is essential. As such, applicants should make every effort to finalise details applicable to the project prior to submission of the application. The applicant should also provide as much information as possible to inform pre-application consultation.

6.2. The applicant is encouraged to make every effort to limit the variations and parameters applicable to the proposed development across all documentation in order to simplify the assessment and provide assurance that the proposed development (as built) would not result in significant environmental effects beyond those identified and assessed in the EIA report.

6.3. The EIA Regulations set out the requirements for information that must be included in the EIA report. This requires the applicant to demonstrate through the EIA report that the likely significant environmental effects have been identified and assessed. Any limitations of the assessment should be clearly set out in the EIA report.

6.4. The applicant should also ensure consistency across other application documentation beyond the EIA report. For example, a consistent approach would be required for any Habitats Regulations Assessment under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017.


Email: Econsents_Admin@gov.scot

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