
Assessing fisheries displacement by other licensed marine activities: good practice guidance

This project developed ‘Good Practice Guidance for Assessing Fisheries Displacement’ through a detailed literature review and consultation with the ScotMER Fish and Fisheries Receptor Group (FFSRG), commercial fisheries industry, offshore energy and regulatory sectors.

Glossary of technical terms

Automatic Identification System (AIS)

A vessel tracking system which enables vessels to transmit and receive vessel position data via an AIS transponder.


Two activities existing at the same time and / or in the same space.


Pots and traps, generally used to catch crab and lobster.

Commercial fisheries

Legal fishing activity undertaken for commercial profit.

Cumulative impact

The combined impact that occurs when the impacts of two or more past, present of future plans / projects / activities overlap in time and space.

Demersal fish

Fish that live on or near the seabed.

Demersal trawl

Cone shaped net towed along the seabed.


The relocation of fishing activity (i.e. pressure or effort) into another area as a result of restricted access to or closure of an area.[1]

Environmental Impact Assessment

Process of evaluating the environmental impacts of a proposed project or development. An EIA is required when a development qualifies as an EIA project under the relevant regulations.

Fish1 forms

In Scotland, under-10 m vessels submit Fish1 forms which are similar to logbooks.

Fisheries Industry Representative (FIR)

The FIR will support the FLO. This individual should be trusted by local fishermen and have an extensive knowledge of the local fishing industry. The FIR will communicate information from the developer to the fishing community and vice versa via the FLO.

Fisheries Liaison Officer (FLO)

An appointed individual nominated by a developer who is the main point of contact for the fishing industry when direct communication with the developer is needed. The FLO will liaise with and between the fishermen and the developer, with support from the FIR.

Home port

The port at which the vessel is based and primarily operates from.

In-combination impact

Pressures of a different type acting on the same receptors.

ICES rectangle

ICES rectangles are a spatial unit used for the collection and analysis of fisheries statistics by the European Commission (EC) Member States, and the UK.

Landings declarations

Landings declarations include details on the weight and presentation of fish landed by species.


Logbooks detail fishing activities and voyages including fishing gear, locations of catches (at ICES statistical rectangle scale) and the species and quantity caught.


Also known as Norway lobster and langoustine.

Not Take Zone

An area of the seabed in which all forms of exploitation are prohibited (including fishing).


Any location which is non-terrestrial and deeper than Mean High Water Springs.

Pair trawling

Demersal trawl net towed by two vessels simultaneously.

Pelagic fish

Fish that live in the water column.

Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM)

Integrated on-board systems of GPS, video, gear sensors and cameras to capture fishing activity and provide positional data.

Round 4 seabed leasing round

The most recent offshore wind leasing round in English and Welsh waters, launched by The Crown Estate.[2]

Sales notes

Sales notes include details of the fish sold and the price paid for it at the point when it is first sold.

Scallop dredge

Rigid triangle-frame structure with 'teeth' which rake the seabed to collect scallops into a chain mail bag.


Scoping occurs in advance of EIA. It involves the request of a Scoping Opinion from the appropriate authority via the submission of a Scoping Report. The Scoping Report outlines the content and extent of the EIA, highlighting the key environmental sensitivities to be addressed within the EIA and the methodologies to do so. The Scoping Opinion should detail what requires further elaboration or addition in the EIA.

ScotWind leasing round

The most recent offshore wind leasing round in Scottish waters, launched by Crown Estate Scotland.[3]

ScotWind Plan Option (PO)

There are 15 plan option areas located in the Scottish zone which represent the areas of seabed available for lease under the ScotWind leasing round. Not all plan options may be progressed as there is a limit of up to 10 GW available in this leasing round.

Seine net

A triangle shaped net with long weighted ropes attached on each side. The net is shot in a circular motion from a vessel and then towed to close the net and herd fish.

Total Allowable Catch (TAC)

Catch limit set for a particular fishery.


Transboundary effects include those effects on the environment within a state which is not under the same jurisdiction as the development location.

Vessel Monitoring System (VMS)

Vessel satellite tracking system, operated on vessels > 12 m in EU waters.



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