
Assessing fisheries displacement by other licensed marine activities: good practice guidance - literature review

This project developed ‘Good Practice Guidance for Assessing Fisheries Displacement’ through a detailed literature review and consultation with the ScotMER Fish and Fisheries Receptor Group (FFSRG), commercial fisheries industry, offshore energy and regulatory sectors.

Glossary of technical terms

Co-existence - Two activities existing at the same time and / or in the same space.

Creels - Pots and traps, generally used to catch crab and lobster.

Demersal fish - Fish that live on or near the seabed.

Demersal trawl - Cone shaped net towed along the seabed.

Displacement - The relocation of fishing activity (i.e. pressure or effort) into another area as a result of restricted access to or closure of an area.[1]

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIAs) - Process of evaluating the environmental impacts of a proposed project or development. An EIA is required when a development qualifies as an EIA project under the relevant regulations.

Not Take Zones - An area of the seabed in which all forms of exploitation are prohibited (including fishing).

Pair trawling - Demersal trawl net towed by two vessels simultaneously.

Pelagic fish - Fish that live in the water column.

Round 4 seabed leasing round - The most recent offshore wind leasing round in English and Welsh waters, launched by The Crown Estate[2].

Scallop dredge - Rigid triangle-frame structure with 'teeth' which rake the seabed to collect scallops into a chain mail bag.

ScotWind leasing round - The most recent offshore wind leasing round in Scottish waters, launched by Crown Estate Scotland[3].

Seine net - A triangle shaped net with long weighted ropes attached on each side. The net is shot in a circular motion from a vessel and then towed to close the net and herd fish.

Total Allowable Catch (TAC) - Catch limit set for a particular fishery.

Vessel Monitoring System - Vessel satellite tracking system, operated on vessels > 12 m in EU waters.



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