
Sportscotland - collection and use of equality data: case study

A case study on how sportscotland has implemented good practice in the collection and use of equality data.


1 Note: 'equality data' refers to 'equality and socio-economic disadvantage data' and covers the protected characteristics defined by the Equality Act 2010 (age, religion and belief, race, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, and gender reassignment) and (any) indicators of socio-economic disadvantage.

2 'Deprived communities' are defined by sportscotland as those belonging to the 20% most deprived data zones in Scotland as defined by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.

3 In particular, the survey of club members and participants collects this additional information.

4 In the past, sportscotland commissioned its own omnibus survey to gather information but has now taken the pragmatic decision (based on value for money considerations) to discontinue this, and make use of other existing data sources instead.

5 For example, 'prefer not to say' was selected in 3% of cases for race, 5% for disability and 3% for sex.



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