Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Policy Statement - Easy Read

This policy statement provides an overview of the policy and legislative context for GIRFEC. The document gives an outline of the core components of the policy, including refreshed values and principles, and ambitions for how we can do more in practice.

Policy Statement

GIRFEC has key principles:

  • The child, young person and family are at the centre of all work and decisions that affect them
  • Work together with families
  • Understand that wellbeing is about all areas of life including family
  • Value difference and treat everyone fairly
  • Tackle inequality
  • Give support to children, young people and families when they need it
  • Everyone works together locally and across Scotland to make things better for children, young people and families

GIRFEC improves the wellbeing of children and young people. It does this by providing support if needed. This can be provided by:

  • a named person who is a clear point of contact for support and advice.
  • a full understanding of wellbeing and a model for all to follow.
  • Planned support across all services. This can be managed by the lead professional.

It is supported by the National Practice Model. This says how workers should plan to work with children and families for their wellbeing.

Children have these needs for good wellbeing:

1. Safe - feeling safe, cared for and listened to when growing up. Protected from abuse, neglect or harm at home.

2. Healthy - having the best physical and mental health possible. Access to good health care. Support to make healthy and safe choices.

3. Achieving - supported and guided in learning skills, confidence and self-esteem

4. Nurtured - growing, developing and being cared for in a place that feels safe. Getting the kindness and warmth needed to be healthy and positive.

5. Active - having opportunities to take part in activities like play and sport. This helps healthy growth and development at home, in school and in the community.

6. Respected - having a voice and being involved in decisions that affect them.

7. Responsible - having opportunities and the chance to take active roles at home, in school and in the community. Having advice and support if needed.

8. Included - having help to overcome inequalities. Be accepted as part of their family, school and community.



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