Recovery and rehabilitation during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: framework for supporting people
This paper provides a strategic framework with overarching principles and high-level recommendations, which inform and shape the provision of rehabilitation and recovery services across Scotland for the coronavirus (COVID-19) period and post coronavirus (COVID-19).
2. Introduction
We are beginning to understand more about the likely long-term physical and psychological effects of the pandemic in Scotland. These are wide ranging and as yet unquantifiable but rehabilitation is critical in ensuring that people are appropriately supported during their recovery so that they can regain their health and wellbeing, and reach their potential so that we can flourish as a nation.
Clearly defined rehabilitation principles enable us to take a consistent approach as we collaboratively define and re-shape services to meet a broader range of needs and circumstances, including the harmful health impacts associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19) period. Additionally, the needs of those who have been shielding, and in some cases, their associated deconditioning require consideration.
It is essential that we look through a contemporary lens in redefining rehabilitation services fit for the 21st century and allied health professions[1] are fundamental in shaping and delivering services that are predominantly community focussed and self-directed and are re-aligned with prehabilitation including early intervention for prevention, and social prescribing.

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