
Organ and tissue donation - opt-out system: five year monitoring and evaluation plan

Five year monitoring and evaluation plan of the organ and tissue donation opt-out system, as stipulated by the The Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Act 2019.


1. Evaluability Assessment is a systematic and collaborative approach to deciding whether and how an evaluation should be done. For more information see: Policy briefing – Evaluability Assessment: A collaborative approach to planning evaluations | What Works Scotland

2. Although increased donation and transplantation rates are the ultimate aim of the Act, an increased donation authorisation rate is a priority outcome according to the aims of the legislation.

3. 'Potential donors' are defined as patients who met the criteria for neurological death tests i.e. those for which neurological death was suspected or patients for whom treatment was withdrawn and death was anticipated within four hours.

4. This outcome is a stipulated aspect of the legislation but one which is not dependent on the other outcomes for fruition. This outcome is already supported by current Specialist Nurse for Organ Donation (SNOD) operations.

5. Our Voice Citizen's Panel: October 2019

6. Staff interviewed included: Clinical Leads for Organ Donation; Specialist Nurses for Organ Donation; Tissue Donation Coordinators; ICU consultants; Emergency Department clinicians and senior nurses.



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