Fisheries management measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs): consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to the consultation on proposed fisheries management measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The consultation sought input on implementing management measures across 20 MPAs and amending the boundary of the West of Scotland MPA.

Appendix 5: SWFPA campaign response

SWFPA campaign response to Scottish Government public consultation on fisheries management measures within Scottish offshore Marine Protected Areas.

19 Aug – 14 Oct 2024

I am responding to the Public Consultation on Fisheries Management Measures within Scottish Offshore MPAs and in doing so have drawn on the support and guidance of the SWFPA Science Policy Officer.

I am in support of the measures which are presented as Option 1 and are based on zonal measures as well as full site protection in 5 sites.

I am opposed to the full site protection measures that are proposed in Option 2 for all sites.

Reasoning behind my support for measurers identified in Option 1 include:

  • These measures were developed through extensive and inclusive stakeholder meetings with the final proposals being assessed by JNCC who confirmed that the measures would meet the conservation objective for the sites concerned.
  • Measures under option 1 had the general support of the EU Advisory Councils, including NGOs and fishing bodies.
  • Measures under option 1 would ensure MPAs are managed using the principles of sustainable use.
  • Failure to follow the proposals that were developed through the lengthy and costly process would suggest the whole exercise has become meaningless and result in loss of trust by many.
  • The environmental and ecosystem benefits in a full site approach are of no more benefit than the zonal approach but come at a much greater cost to mobile bottom gear.
  • Loss of fishing opportunities through the full site approach compounds the pressure on mobile fishing sector who are already being hampered by Inshore MPA measures, loss of areas to Aquaculture and Renewables and real threat of further restrictions for Inshore MPAs and PMFs.
  • I strongly believe that there is a significant threat that displacement create by adopting proposals in Option 2 will impact heavily on inshore MPAs, particularly in relation to nephrop fishing.
  • No meaningful stakeholder discussion has taken place regarding full site protection measures for all sites which would question if Option 2 could be classed as a “suitable alternative”.
  • I believe that Option 2 creates a threat to the resilience of the fishing industry and its contribution to stable food security.
  • I believe that Option 1 provides support in achieving the UN Sustainability Development Goals to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources.

Yours sincerely



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