Fisheries management measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs): consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to the consultation on proposed fisheries management measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The consultation sought input on implementing management measures across 20 MPAs and amending the boundary of the West of Scotland MPA.

Business Regulatory Impact Assessment for the boundary amendment for West of Scotland NCMPA

There were only a handful of comments provided on the revised Business Regulatory Impact Assessment for the boundary amendment.

Almost all expressed their support for the boundary amendment, citing they will accept the scientific advice and evidence from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, which reports that this will not harm ecological integrity of the MPA whilst maintaining minimal socio-economic impact from the proposed change. Many also reiterated points from responses to question 32, namely that the boundary amendment will provide increased clarity and ease implementation of measures.

One respondent accepted the findings from the revised BRIA however suggests that in the future, aquatic animal welfare is given greater consideration, as this would align socioeconomic evaluations with long term ecological and ethical commitments.



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