Fisheries management measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs): consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to the consultation on proposed fisheries management measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The consultation sought input on implementing management measures across 20 MPAs and amending the boundary of the West of Scotland MPA.

Anton Dohrn Seamount SAC


The Scottish Government’s proposed full site fisheries management measures for the Anton Dohrn Seamount Special Area of Conservation (SAC) have garnered broad support across various sectors. These measures, aimed at enhancing the conservation status of the seamount’s unique marine features, were developed through a consultative process involving stakeholders.

Overall, the majority of responses to this question indicate support for proposed full fisheries management for Anton Dohrn Seamount SAC. There is widespread support across all campaigns and types of response.

Table 6: Do you support the full site fisheries management measures proposed for Anton Dohrn Seamount SAC?
Responses Support Neutral Oppose
Excluding campaign responses (n=54) 65% 35% 0%
Total Including campaign responses (n=3,753) 99% 1% 0%

Support for the proposed measures

A clear majority of responses expressed strong support for the proposed measures, emphasising the importance of respecting the outcomes of workshops where stakeholders’ views were central to the decision-making process.

This sentiment reflects a broader recognition of the legitimacy of the consultative process and the balanced approach to conservation and fisheries management. Many respondents expressed confidence in the measures, with one emphasising that the proposals were the product of a lengthy and meaningful engagement process that sought and took on board the views of several stakeholders.

Ecological Rationale and Conservation Benefits

The ecological significance of the Anton Dohrn Seamount emerged as a central theme. Some respondents highlighted the vital role of the seamount as a habitat for cold-water corals and its contribution to ecosystem connectivity in the Northeast Atlantic. One response underscored this by stating that seamounts play a critical role in connectivity for coral reefs in the Northeast Atlantic while also noting that some coral assemblages are already under threat from sedimentation, which could impact reef health.

The benefits of whole-site protection were emphasised in several responses. For example, it was argued that whole-site protection from bottom-towed fishing is the most effective way of achieving the conservation objectives of the site and reversing the condition of the reef features from unfavourable to favourable. Another response noted that full site protection would help restore the site’s features to a favourable condition and deliver additional benefits such as blue carbon storage and broader ecosystem resilience.

Several respondents rejected the idea of a zoned approach, asserting that it would not be sufficient to ensure site integrity. As one submission remarked:

“We strongly support the proposed management option... a zoned management option is not considered suitable for the protected features to ensure site integrity for Anton Dohrn SAC.” [Organisation]

Concerns About Fishing Gear Differentiation

Although the majority of responses supported the proposed measures, some concerns were raised regarding the lack of differentiation between types of fishing gear. A few separate responses stated:

“We remain concerned over the lack of differentiation of static demersal longlines and net gears towards understanding the variation in impact that different configurations of gear will have on the conservation features.”

Despite this, there was acknowledgment that existing measures, such as the ban on gill nets below 600 meters and the generally low fishing intensity in the area, already mitigate some potential risks. A number of responses stated that “Our members do not operate static gears at the depths considered in this site,” but still highlighted the need for more nuanced understanding of gear-specific impacts.

Support for Immediate Action

A consistent theme in the responses was the call for prompt implementation of the proposed measures. Many respondents stressed the importance of acting without delay to ensure the conservation objectives of the site are achieved.


The responses to the proposed full site fisheries management measures for the Anton Dohrn Seamount SAC reveal a strong consensus in favour of the proposal set out in the consultation.

Respondents widely acknowledged the ecological importance of the site, the collaborative nature of the process, and the need for decisive action. While concerns were raised regarding the differentiation of fishing gear impacts, these were framed as areas for further research rather than barriers to implementation.

In conclusion, the weight of the responses clearly supports the adoption of the proposed management measures. As one response succinctly stated:

“Whole site protection from bottom towed fishing is the most effective way of achieving the conservation objectives of the site.” [Organisation]



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