Fair Work Action Plan 2022 and Anti-Racist Employment Strategy 2022: island communities impact assessment

Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) of the Fair Work Action Plan 2022 and Anti-Racist Employment Strategy 2022.

8. Recommendations

Feedback gathered during stakeholder engagement suggested that the actions outlined in the RAP are ARES are generally supported. The consensus was that elevating the knowledge, reach and conditionalities behind the Fair Work principles will be of benefit to all of Scottish society, including island communities.

Continued engagement

In line with the Scottish Government's stated commitment to continuous engagement during the implementation of the Plan and Strategy, continued involvement of stakeholders is crucial to the success of the RAP and ARES as they provide unparalleled insight into the viewpoints and lived experience of individuals, communities, and businesses across Scotland. Such insight should be used to further identify key points of intersectionality, support Fair Work implementation in differing sectors and contexts, and utilise data analysis and dissemination to improve Fair Work's application in society.

Tailored approach to implementation

Engagement completed thus far has revealed that Fair Work has the potential to negatively impact businesses who would be unable to meet the Bute House conditionality requirements of the real Living Wage. Small independent businesses with small profit margins, and those in agricultural island communities where seasonal work is crucial to business survivability were identified through engagement as being particularly susceptible, although implementation of BHA conditionality has been delayed until 1 April 2024. Furthermore, the fulfilment of effective voice channels means different things depending on size of business, type of contract employees are under, and time available to administer and oversee collective voice groups. Adopting a tailored approach to implementation, for example defining how appropriate channels for effective voice can vary in type depending on size of business (trade union or employee forum), would reassure employers that it is a conditionality they can commit to achieving. Real Living Wage are difficult conditionalities to tailor given their quantitative nature. However, employer support networks, and dissemination of information regarding available grants, would be considerable steps to instil confidence that real Living Wage and appropriate channels for effective workers' voice are attainable.

Maintaining the ongoing success of Fair Work, bearing in mind the timescales of actions such as 1.1 and 1.3.1, would be ensured by continued engagement with employers, workers, and workers voice channels. Engagement that is tailored to understand lessons learnt and the experience of those administering and/or receiving Fair Work investment would ensure the success of future implementation.

Monitoring and evaluation

Moving forward, a robust monitoring and evaluation framework is necessary to demonstrate progress against the RAP and ARES by 2025, in line with the ambition of Scotland being a leading Fair Work Nation by 2025. Developing this framework in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including island communities, is vital for measuring progress and continuing to measure the impact on island communities throughout the implementation stage of this work.


Email: FairWorkCommissioning@gov.scot

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