Animal health services - field delivery: review extension

This is a supplementary paper to the original report entitled "Field delivery of animal health services in Scotland: review", taking account of EU Exit, animal health and welfare legislation and COVID-19.

6 - Other Issues Raised

6.1 The 2020 report recognised the importance of connectivity between the SVS, policy and science. This was raised as a concern in relation to fish health during this work. It will be important in delivering the transition that suitable arrangements are put in place across the range of activities undertaken by the SVS to maintain appropriate connectivity and data sharing.

6.2 Local Authority representatives were positive about the impact of the Animal Health and Welfare Framework document which they considered had been beneficial in identifying roles and responsibilities and facilitating effective communication. A similar approach may be of value in defining relationships with the SVS.

6.3 Several organisations commented that an integrated SVS would have access to the resources and expertise required to respond to significant events and emergencies to the benefit of all interests. However, one individual expressed concern that a response to a food safety emergency may be prioritised over animal health issues, although also recognised that this could be effectively managed through structural design.

6.4 A common theme was the importance of livestock and fish production in underpinning the rural economy, particularly in remote areas, where a large number of sustainable and high-quality jobs were dependant on the success of these enterprises. The SVS was seen as having a major role in underpinning these businesses through its delivery of animal health and welfare, surveillance and support for internal and international trade.

6.5 Cost recovery was raised by some organisations as a potential mechanism of funding the SVS. This will need to be considered in line with wider government policy and the impact of the acceptability of this approach in a new organisation.



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