Evaluation of the | Reducing Reoffending Change Fund - Research Findings

The independent evaluation of the Reducing Reoffending Change Fund (RRCF) assessed the extent to which the Public Social Partnership (PSP) model delivers effective mentoring services that reduce the risk of reoffending and support reintegration, and concluded that there is a strong case for the continuation and expansion of mentoring services.

Findings on outcomes for mentees

Mentees who engaged were overwhelmingly positive about their experience of mentoring and it was clear that some mentees had experienced very significant, transformational change. Others had experienced less significant changes but had nonetheless worked with their mentors to address some specific problems.

The outcome areas that showed most improvement were those linked with attitudes and motivations and those which were more in the direct control of the mentee. These are areas that may help in the initial stages of the change process such as increased problem solving and emotion management skills, increased motivation to engage with the mentor, increased motivation to change behaviour, and increased social skills.

Areas that showed less improvement were more connected with external factors such as family, accommodation, work or education, and substance use – and often require the input of external agencies. It may require a longer period of mentoring to support engagement with these other agencies.

Length of engagement was the key factor that influenced the amount of progress made by mentees: those who engaged with the mentoring service for longer were more likely to make progress on outcomes.


Email: Justice Analytical Services

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