An Evaluation of the Commonwealth Games 2014 Legacy for Scotland Report 1: Questions, Methods and Baseline

This report sets out the broad approach to the Glasgow 2014 legacy evaluation,the research questions it will address, and the range of methods that will be deployed between now and 2019. It also sets out the priorities for the next 18 months and a forward timetable for publication of reports.The report also has a series of Annexes on the 4 national themes (flourishing, active, connected and sustainable).

Annex 5: Data sources and glossary

This chapter provides information on all the data sources used within An Evaluation of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games a Legacy for Scotland: Baseline Report. Overview information is provided on the data source along with detailed information on method, sample size, and frequency of collection. A link, where relevant, is also provided to guide readers to the data source.

Also provided is a glossary giving background information on key organisations mentioned within the report.

1. Scottish Health Survey (SHeS)


The Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) is a cross-sectional survey which provides information about the health of people all over Scotland that cannot be obtained from other sources. This includes information about lifestyles as well as about health.

The specific aims of the Scottish Health Survey are:

  • to estimate the prevalence of particular health conditions in Scotland
  • to estimate the prevalence of certain risk factors associated with these health conditions and to document the pattern of related health behaviours
  • to look at differences between regions and between subgroups of the population in the extent of their having these particular health conditions or risk factors, and to make comparisons with other national statistics for Scotland and England
  • to monitor trends in the population's health over time
  • to make a major contribution to monitoring progress towards health targets

The survey has been running continuously since 2008 and consists of a set of core questions which are asked of the whole sample plus measurements (for example, anthropometric and, if applicable, blood pressure measurements and analysis of blood and saliva samples) and modules of questions on specific health conditions asked of a proportion of the sample.

Sample design and achieved sample

Since 2008 the SHeS has used a two-stage stratified probability sampling design with datazones selected at the first stage and addresses (delivery points) at the second. The achieved sample for each year since 2008 is presented below:

Year Child Adult (main) Adult (HB boost) Adult (total)
2008 1,750 5,861 604 6,465
2009 2,607 6,831 700 7,531
2010 1,793 6,770 475 7,245

In 2011 will have a similar sample size to 2010. From 2012-2015 the survey has been designed to produce an achieved sample size of around 4,000 adults and 1,800 children per year.

2. Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS)


The SCJS is a cross sectional survey which asks people about their experiences and perceptions of crime in Scotland. An important role of the SCJS is to provide an alternative and complementary measure of crime to the police recorded crime statistics, which provide statistics on crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the eight Scottish police forces.

The main aims of the SCJS are to:

  • Provide reliable statistics on peoples experience of crime, including services provided to victims of crime
  • Assess the varying risk of crime for different groups of people in the population
  • Examine trends in the level and nature of crime in Scotland over time
  • Collect information about people's experiences of, and attitudes on a range of crime and justice related issues

The 2010/11 survey is the third sweep of the SCJS, with the first being conducted in 2008/09 and the second in 2009/10. The survey involves interviews with around adults (aged 16 or over) who live in private residential addresses in Scotland.

The survey is conducted face-to-face in-home and is administered by specially trained professional interviewers using Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI). The survey also contains a short self-completion section on sensitive topics which respondents answer using Computer Assisted Self Interviewing (CASI).

Sample design

A systematic random selection of private residential addresses across Scotland was produced and allocated in batches to interviewers. Interviewers called at addresses and obtained information on all household members and then selected at random one adult (aged 16 or over) for interview at each address. The sample was designed to be representative of all private residential households across Scotland (with the exception of some of the smaller islands) over the 10 month fieldwork period.

Achieved sample

Year Achieved Sample Time Frame
2010/11 13,000 Over 10 months
2009/10 16,000 Over 12 months
2008/9 16,000 Over 12 months

Note that changes to the survey in 2010/11 in comparison with previous years (where the target achieved sample size was 16,000 and interviews spread across 12 months beginning from 1st April rather than 1st June) were a result of a review process in Scottish Government as part the Long Term Survey Strategy for Population Surveys in Scotland 2009 - 2019.

3. Scottish Household Survey (SHS)


The survey is designed to provide accurate, up-to-date information about the characteristics, attitudes and behaviour of Scottish households and individuals on a range of issues. The structure of the survey is a continuous cross-sectional survey, each complete sample being covered in the course of two years.

The sample is being drawn from the small user file of the Postcode Address File (PAF). The overall design of the sample is to pursue a wholly random sample where fieldwork conditions allow - namely in areas of high population - and to cluster interviews in the remaining areas (also on a random basis).

To allow sufficient disaggregation of the survey results, an achieved sample of approximately 31,000 households over two years is required. The sample in each quarter is geographically representative so that statistically reliable results for Scotland as a whole are available for each quarter. In addition, the survey design is such that results are available for each of the larger local authorities (those with an achieved sample size of 750 interviews per year) each year, and for all local authorities, regardless of size, every two years.

The Highest Income Householder, or his/her partner/spouse, is interviewed face-to-face about themselves and other members of the household. In addition, a randomly selected adult member of the same household aged 16 or over (who may, by chance, be the same person) is interviewed on other topics. In this way, results from the survey are representative of both Scottish households and adult individuals.

Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) is being used to collect the survey data. This has a number of important advantages over 'pen and paper' interviewing techniques, including faster interviews, automatic edit checks and a quicker flow of information from the survey interviewer to the survey database.

4. Ultimate Sport Cities

The SportBusiness Ultimate Sports Cities Awards are internationally recognised rankings of the world's top sports hosts. These have been held every second year since 2006. Further information is available at:

5. Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS)


The SHCS the largest single housing research project in Scotland, and the only national survey to look at the physical condition of Scotland's homes as well as the experiences of householders.

The key objectives of the survey are:

  • To monitor the physical quality of Scotland's housing stock at a national level over time.
  • To contribute to the understanding of the factors which influence the physical condition of the housing stock.
  • To provide a benchmark against which outputs from local house condition surveys can be measured.
  • To supplement the system of resource allocation within the Scottish Government.
  • To explore relationships between investment and stock condition both at an individual local authority level and at the national level.
  • To provide an information resource which can be drawn on for policy development in all areas of housing, such as fuel poverty, which relate to individual households and dwellings and the relationship between them.

The sample was drawn as a stratified, one-stage, unequal probability sample of addresses. Addresses on the PAF were first sorted within local authorities by the Scottish Government's 6-fold rural/urban classification, and within this by postcode, giving implicit stratification by area. Addresses for each local authority were then sampled systematically using a fixed sampling interval from a random start point, both of which were proportional to the size of the LA. Therefore, within each LA, every eligible address had an equal chance of selection, but due to differences in LA size, there were differing probabilities of selection between LAs.

The requirements of the sampling were as follows:

  • That it should allow an achieved national sample of at least 3,000 paired interviews across Scotland annually.
  • That it should provide at least 240 paired surveys over three years in any one local authority.
  • That the sample should cover the whole of Scotland.
  • That the sampling should not involve any element of clustering of addresses.

The following sample was achieved:

Year Achieved Sample
2010 3000
2009 3000
2008 3000

6. Local Environmental Audit Management System (LEAMS)


LEAMS (Local Environmental Audit and Management System) is a statutory Performance Indicator of street cleanliness for local authorities in Scotland. During the 2010/2011 financial year, 224 cleanliness surveys were conducted (128 conducted internally, 64 conducted by visiting a partner authority and 32 conducted by Keep Scotland Beautiful). Each survey represented a minimum 2% sample of the local authority area.

The LEAMS process is structured so that all authorities carry out exactly the same monitoring programme to enable full comparison between the results obtained. Training is provided to each local authority before they participate in the LEAMS process. They must be fully briefed on the LEAMS process, the relevant legislation relating to street cleansing and litter, the survey methodology, and how to use the data obtained during the survey. From this training each successful delegate receives a LEAMS passport and certificate. The passport is only valid for two years after which update training is required.


Following the training, each local authority begins bi-monthly surveys within their own area. These surveys cover a minimum random sample of 2% of streets and other relevant transects within their area. The following criteria are assessed during each of the surveys:

  • Cleanliness grade; (A, B, C, D).
  • Litter bins; count of public use bins and count of overflowing bins)
  • Types of litter; smoking, drinks, confectionery and fast food related
  • Sources of litter; pedestrians/individuals, business, domestic, construction, animal faeces, other
  • Adverse environmental quality indicators; dog fouling, vandalism, graffiti, weeds, detritus, fly-posting
  • Any other comments that are thought to be useful for that transect.


Every six months each local authority carries out a 2% sample survey within another local authority area. This process allows for independent audits to be carried out and allows an exchange of information and best practice to take place. All audits are returned to Keep Scotland Beautiful for analysis, where a full statistical summary sheet is produced and sent back to the local authority.

In addition, an annual validation survey is also carried out by Keep Scotland Beautiful, also assessing a 2% sample survey within each of the local authority areas. This provides the external, independent evaluation recommended under Best Value. Keep Scotland Beautiful also facilitates LEAMS forum meetings as necessary to discuss the development of the LEAMS process, compare results and share best practice. Update training is provided on an annual basis to ensure that those involved in the LEAMS process are surveying to the same standard.

7. SEPA: Waste Data Digest


SEPA has published an annual Waste Data Digest (the digest) since 2001. It deals with data collected by, or on behalf of, SEPA on controlled waste in Scotland.

The digest covers waste arising, recovery and disposal, and includes data on municipal wastes, as well as on commercial and industrial wastes. The data is collected by Local Authorities and is divided in two parts:

  • Waste Data Digest: Key facts and trends - tables, graphs and text dealing with high-level facts and trends available.
  • Waste Data Digest: Datatables - Excel tables presenting detailed data on Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste (LACMW) and commercial and industrial wastes.

Definition of Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste

Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste (LACMW) is household waste and similar business waste that is collected by or on behalf of Scottish local authorities. It includes all wastes under Chapter code 20 and some waste under Chapter codes 15 and 19 of the EWC (2002) list of wastes. This is the definition used for the Landfill Allowance Scheme Biodegradable Municipal Waste (BMW) landfill allocations.

Definition of municipal waste

Municipal waste is waste generated by household, plus commercial and industrial waste similar in nature and composition to that generated by households. It includes all wastes under chapter codes 20 and some waste under chapter codes 15 and 19 of the EWC (2002) list of wastes. This is the definition used by Scotland and the UK for reporting against EU landfill diversion targets.

8. Glasgow Household Survey


The Glasgow Household Survey is currently undertaken for Glasgow City Council by Ipsos Mori.


A representative quota sample of around 1,000 Glasgow residents (aged 16 and over) are interview at two points (Spring and Autumn) on an annual basis. The sample is stratified by Community Planning Areas (CPA) - with CPAs defined by postcode - and at the area level. Ten sampling points were selected within each of the ten CPAs.

All interviews were conducted face-to-face in residents' homes using Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI). The data have been weighted by age and gender, using ONS mid year estimates, and by Community Planning Area.

Example topics include:

  • Usage and Satisfaction with Council Services
  • Community Engagement / Citizenship
  • Anti-Social Behaviour
  • CCTV
  • Visiting the City Centre
  • Clean Glasgow Campaign
  • Land and the Environment
  • Volunteering
  • Child Protection
  • Commonwealth Games

9. Schools leavers destination survey (SLDS)

Information on the destination of leavers from publicly funded schools is collected by Skills Development Scotland (SDS). SDS collected information on where each young person, they had identified as being a school leaver, was during September immediately after leaving school (initial destination) and the following March (follow-up destination).

The initial destinations data provide information on the outcomes for young people approximately three months after leaving school while the follow up survey provides information on the outcomes of young people approximately nine months after leaving school. These collections should be seen as complementary to one another but it should be noted that various factors may affect the results at different time periods.

A school leaver is classed as a young person of school leaving age who left school during or at the end of the school year, where the school year is taken to run from 1 August to 31 July. Age was calculated as of 30 th June in the year they are leaving school.

Positive destinations

All destinations are based on self-reporting by school leavers and positive destinations includes higher education, further education, training, voluntary work and employment

10. Nations Brands Index (NBI)


Conducted annually with GfK Roper beginning in 2008, the Anholt-GfK Roper NBI examines the image of 50 nations. Each year, approximately 20,000 adults aged 18 and up are interviewed in 20 core panel nations. The Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index looks at a country's image by examining six dimensions of national competence all of which are treated equally with no weighting. This gives an overall sense of a country's reputation as a whole. The six dimensions are:

  • Exports.
  • Governance
  • Culture
  • People
  • Tourism
  • Immigration and Investment.

The NBISM score is an average of the scores from the six dimensions mentioned above. There are between 3 and 5 ratings questions for each of the dimensions. Ratings are based on a scale from 1 to 7 with 7 being the highest and best, 1 being the lowest and worst, and 4 being the middle position which is neither positive nor negative. Each hexagon point also has a word choice question which gives some depth to how those surveyed perceive a nation's image.

The 2010 NBISM survey was conducted in 20 major developed and developing countries that play important and diverse roles in international relations, trade and the flow of business, cultural, and tourism activities. Given the increasing global role played by developing countries, the survey strives to represent regional balance as well as the balance between high-income and middle-income countries. The core 20 panel countries are:

  • Western Europe/North America: U.S., Canada, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden
  • Central and Eastern Europe: Russia, Poland, Turkey
  • Asia-Pacific: Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia
  • Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico
  • Middle East/Africa: Egypt, South Africa

For 2010 NBI, 20,261 interviews have been conducted with approximately 1,015 interviews per country for the 2010 NBISM survey between July 7th and August 4th, 2010. Adults aged 18 or over who are online are interviewed in each country. Using the most up-to-date online population parameters, the achieved sample in each country has been weighted to reflect key demographic characteristics such as age, gender, and education of the 2010 online population in that country. Additionally, in the United States, United Kingdom, South Africa, India and Brazil, race/ethnicity has been used for sample balancing. The report reflects the views and opinions of online populations in these 20 countries; citizens who are connected to the world.

The NBISM measures the image of 50 nations. In each panel nation except Egypt, the list of 50 nations is randomly assigned to panellists, each of whom rates 25 nations, resulting in each nation getting approximately 500 ratings per panel country. In Egypt, where panellists are not as familiar and experienced with online surveys, survey length was reduced, resulting in each nation getting approximately 250 ratings. The weighting for survey panellists from each country and their thoughts on each of the 6 dimensions are treated equally.

When deciding which nations should be on the index, GfK Roper explain that the list of 50 nations is based on the political and economic importance of the nations in global geopolitics and the flow of trade, businesses, people, and tourism activities. Regional representation and, to some extent, the diversity of political and economic systems are taken into consideration to make the study truly global. NBISM subscription members' interests, like Scotland's, are also reflected in the selection of the countries.

The list of 50 nations is as follows, listed by region:

  • North America: U.S., Canada
  • Western Europe: UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Finland, Austria, Luxembourg*, Flanders*
  • Central/Eastern Europe: Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, Romania, Slovakia*, Estonia**, Lithuania**
  • Asia Pacific: Japan, South Korea, China, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand
  • Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador**
  • Middle East/Africa: United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Angola, Kenya

* Nations new to the NBI 2010
** Nations included in 2009 but not included in 2010

The NBISM did run between 2005 and 2007 on a quarterly basis and this was managed through another contractor. Since going to GfK Roper in 2008 and changing to an annual format, the index now has expanded coverage - regarding nations measured, and in the number of questions asked - and uses a more stringent sample distribution control. This means that there can be no trend comparisons made to pre-2008 data. Conscious efforts were made to keep the 2010 NBISM methodology comparable to the 2009 NBISM, including core questionnaire content, sample design, sampling techniques, and fieldwork procedures.

11. Business Register Employment Survey (BRES)


The Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) went live in August 2009 and has replaced and integrated two ONS business surveys:

  • Annual Business Inquiry part 1 (ABI/1) - collected employees data at the business (Reporting Unit) level to produce annual employment estimates.
  • Business Register Survey (BRS) - collected information on the structure of an enterprise at the reporting unit level and employees data at the site (local unit) level to maintain the sampling frame for business surveys, which is known as the Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR).

BRES is a UK sample survey of approximately 80,000 businesses (covering approximately 500,000 local units), and collects information at the business (reporting unit) and site (local unit) level. BRES is a dual purpose survey. It is responsible for providing the ONS's annual national and regional employment estimates, and also maintaining the IDBR.

Sample design

Stratification by SIC division and using various criteria for employment size bands is used to help to calculate total employees while maintaining the best coverage properties

Estimation methodology

The BRES is used to estimate employment at the overall level as well as for regional and industrial breakdowns. Given the sample size, it is not possible to produce accurate employment estimates by detailed regional and industrial breakdowns using standard business survey estimation techniques. To solve this, BRES uses a specific methodology that involves calibrating to IDBR employment totals at both regional and industrial level separately. This increases the effective sample size and the resulting estimates are more accurate.

Outlier treatment, which reduces the potential impact of extreme responses on the overall estimates, has also been improved within BRES, replacing a method called 'post-stratification' with 'Winsorisation', which was found to produce better results.

12. Scottish Annual Business Statistics (SABS)


Scottish Annual Business Statistics (SABS) is based on data from the Annual Business Survey (ABS) (formerly Annual Business Inquiry (ABI)) conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The statistics have been produced under partnership procedures agreed between ONS and the Scottish Government (SG). These have resulted in an improvement in the quality of the underlying data and consistency in the figures used by ONS and SG.

Sample Design

The ABS sample is designed as a stratified random sample of around 70,000 businesses from the IDBR. The inquiry population or universe is stratified by Standard Industrial Classification, employment, and country using the information from the IDBR. The sampling scheme is designed to give best estimates of the population totals for a given sample size and involves selecting all the largest businesses with a progressively reducing fraction of smaller businesses. This method ensures the sample size is kept to a minimum.

The inquiry results are grossed up to the register population, so that they relate to all active UK businesses on the IDBR for the sectors covered.

Scottish sample

Since 1998, the Scottish Government has funded an enhanced ABS sample in Scotland, to improve the quality of Scottish figures. In 2009, around 2,600 extra firms in Scotland were sampled as a result of this "boost", giving a total sample size in Scotland of around 8,100 firms.

Changes to sample in 2008

In 2008 and 2009, the sampling stratification and resultant estimation was carried out on a SIC 2007 basis.

Please note that, for the 2008 sample, ONS undertook a complete sample re-allocation (using the Neyman methodology) to ensure that sufficient account of the variability within the micro businesses was reflected in the sample.

Due to the complexity of the ABS sample structure ONS had erred away from regularly re-allocating the sample. Hence, for a number of years ONS were left in the position of having the basis of the original sample produced in 1998 but with a number of manual tweaks. The earlier sample design did not adequately take account of the greater variability of smaller businesses, which should have led to a larger proportion of smaller businesses than was actually selected over that period. Consequently, the share of smaller businesses in 2007 and earlier was smaller than it should have been.

One feature of the 2008 and 2009 selections is the change in the proportion of businesses of employment size 0 -9 in the sample. The table at link below shows a significant increase in businesses sampled in employment size 0-9 for Scotland - 43% in the 2007 sample to 58% in 2008 and 2009. (Sampling framework Table for 2007-2009)

The change in the sample design, due to the SIC 2007 and the sample re-allocation, from 2008 onwards means that the results for 2008 onwards are not strictly comparable with earlier years data.

13. Scottish Corporate Sector Statistics (SCSS)


Scottish Corporate Sector Statistics provides information about the number of enterprises operating in Scotland, broken down by various groupings including industry, company size, local authority area, and country of ownership. The publication includes all enterprises that operate in Scotland regardless of where the enterprise is based. This allows a more comprehensive understanding of the Scottish business environment than is possible via other business data sources which only classify enterprises as Scottish if they have their UK base in Scotland.

Overview of Methodology and Sources

The estimates have been constructed using data from the Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR), the Labour Force Survey (LFS), the Family Resources Survey (FRS) and Self Assessment (SA) data. The IDBR provides the number of enterprises registered for VAT and/or PAYE in Scotland. However there is a substantial number of very small enterprises which have no employees and are therefore not included on the IDBR. A modelling procedure that combines data from the IDBR with estimates derived from the LFS, FRS and SA data is used to estimate the number of unregistered enterprises. The principles of the model were developed by economic consultants working with the Department of Trade and Industry and Eurostat.

14. Vacant and Derelict Land Statistics


The Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey (SVDLS) is an annual survey undertaken to establish the extent and state of vacant and derelict land in Scotland and the amount of land that has been reclaimed since the previous survey. Since 2009, all local authorities have provided data each year.


The following definitions are used by local authorities when they undertaking the survey:

  • Vacant land is land which is unused for the purposes for which it is held and is viewed as an appropriate site for development. This land must either have had prior development on it or preparatory work has taken place in anticipation of future development. The main part of this bulletin covers vacant land (referred to as 'urban vacant') that is located within settlements of over 2,000 in population (as defined in council local plans, see Annex Section A.5). Some local authorities have also surveyed for vacant land within settlements of under 2,000 in population.
  • Derelict land (and buildings) is land which has been so damaged by development, that it is incapable of development for beneficial use without rehabilitation. In addition the land must currently not be used for the purpose for which it is held or a use acceptable in the local plan. Land also qualifies as derelict if it has an unremedied previous use which could constrain future development. For urban vacant and derelict land, site records must be at least 0.1 hectares in size to be included.

How is land identified for the survey?

Due to the wide variations between the authorities in terms of size, geography, population and site locations across Scotland there is not a single methodology, but the following is a guide to methods that are used by Local Authorities, depending on local factors, to undertake the survey :

  • Survey all sites that were included in the previous year's survey if possible, also noting any new sites in the vicinity.
  • Take note of any sites you see incidentally while travelling.
  • Visit sites that have been identified in other ways, such as via planning systems, or as recommended by planning officers.

Dependent on local factors, other ways land can be discovered include:

  • Via planning applications, either directly with regular surveys, or as pointed out by planning officers.
  • Information from Housing Land Audits/Employment Land Audits.
  • Requests for information from other departments/organisations: Colleagues from e.g. regeneration departments can provide further knowledge, and occasionally sources such as the Scottish Property Network or the Corporate Address Gazetteer may prove useful.
  • Building Control Database.
  • Committee Reports.
  • News articles.
  • GIS.
  • Community Councils.

How is land removed from the survey?

A site visit is key to categorising what is happening on a site, although planning applications can be a good indicator that there may be changes to categorisation. A site visit would cover whether a site is partially or fully reused, whether it is changing from derelict to vacant or maybe naturalising, or if building is underway.

Overall, although the steps above can be followed closely, the final decision is not always clear-cut as no two sites are the same; they are often in a state of transition when a site is partially in use or scheduled for demolition, clearance or reuse. The judgement and experience of those undertaking the survey are important.

Further guidance is provided to local authorities on method at:

on the survey should be conducted within Local Authorities.

15. Scottish Accommodation Occupancy Survey (SAOS)


The survey looks at occupancy five main accommodation sectors: hotels, guest houses and bed and breakfasts, self catering accommodation, camping and caravan parks and hostels.

Each month a sample of accommodation were asked to provide information on:

  • Numbers of new arrivals.
  • Total number of guests.
  • Number of rooms occupied.
  • Number of additional bed and rooms used.

Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary and as a result the response to the survey varied between areas. In order to compensate for the differing levels of response, the data was weighted according to the number of bed-spaces in each VisitScotland region (matching the boundaries of the former Area Tourist Boards) and by establishment size.

16. Cushman and Wakefield European Cities Monitor

Cushman & Wakefield has conducted a survey on Europe's major business cities since 1990.
Each year the survey provides an overview of the perceptions that corporate occupiers have about cities across Europe and their relative attractiveness. The underlying data is researched independently for C&W by TNS BMRB and 500 senior executives from leading European companies give their views on Europe's leading business cities. These views are divided into sixteen key questions ranging from which cities respondents think are the "best cities to locate a business today" through to "best city in terms of the quality of life of employees".

17. Go-Well


GoWell is a research and learning programme that aims to investigate the impact of investment in housing, regeneration and neighbourhood renewal on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities over a ten-year period. The programme aims to establish the nature and extent of these impacts, to learn about the relative effectiveness of different approaches, and to inform policy and practice in Scotland and beyond.

The programme is divided into a number of different but inter-connecting research and learning components or themes,

  • Community health and wellbeing survey and tracer study
  • Governance, participation and empowerment (GPE)
  • Understanding the wider context
  • Community-based or nested studies
  • Economic evaluation

The Community health and wellbeing survey involves face-to-face interviews with over 6,000 local residents from across our 15 study areas. It will be repeated four times over our planned ten-year programme. The first survey was completed in August 2006, the second in August 2008, with further surveys in 2010 and 2012. There will be a tracking study of respondents who move house between surveys and who will be followed up at their new addresses for the duration of the study. This component also involves a number of focus groups following each survey to provide more detailed qualitative evidence on various issues or aspects of the survey.

More information on other aspects of the survey can be found:

18. Youth Physical Activity Questionnaire (YPAQ)


The MRC have developed and validated a number of self-report instruments specifically developed for use in children, adolescents and adults. Among these is the historical physical activity questionnaire (HISPAQ) which was developed to assess physical activity in the past, the parental assisted Children Physical Activity Questionnaire (CPAQ) for use in young children, the Youth Physical Activity Questionnaire (YPAQ) and the Recent Physical Activity Questionnaire (RPAQ). This portfolio of questionnaires is part of the MRC exposure measurements toolkit.

19. Glasgow Health and Well Being Survey (GHWBS)


The health and wellbeing survey was formed around core questions which have remained the same and allow the monitoring of trends over time. However, the survey has also been adapted over time to take into account emerging health and wellbeing issues and new geographies.

The survey provides a snapshot in time of the views and experience of the resident adult population. Whilst we cannot attribute causal relationships between the findings and the changing policy context we can explore our findings alongside wider changes in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC).

The objectives of the study are:

  • to continue to monitor the core health indicators
  • to determine whether the changes found in the first two follow-ups were the beginning of a trend in the NHSGG area
  • to compare attitudes and behaviour of those living in the bottom 15% SIMD areas and other areas and address whether changes in attitudes and behaviour apply across the board or just in the most deprived/other areas, thereby tracking progress towards reducing health inequalities
  • to form a baseline of health and wellbeing measures for NHSGGC
  • to provide intelligence for health improvement policy, programmes and information to enhance performance management.

The study involves face-to-face in home interviews with adults (aged 16 or over) within Glasgow.

20. Scottish Recreation Survey


The Scottish Recreation Survey (ScRS) is a continuous monitoring study, which Scottish Natural Heritage commissioned in 2003 with support from Forestry Commission Scotland. It delivers regular data on:

  • the proportion of adults visiting the outdoors for leisure and recreation
  • the level of participation in walking and other recreational activities
  • awareness and understanding of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.

The survey comprises a series of questions inserted each month into the Scottish Opinion Survey, a consumer omnibus run by TNS. The questions are asked of a representative sample of approximately 1,000 Scottish adults aged 16 and over each month, giving an annual sample size of around 12,000. Interviews are conducted in-home, using CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing).

21. Mercer

A) Quality of Living Index


Quality of living survey uses an objective system measures the quality of life for expatriates based on 39 criteria groups into 10 key categories. Weightings are then applied to reflect its importance for overall quality of living. Mercer then assess the degree to which expatriates enjoy a standard of living in each host location, factoring in the interaction of political, socio-economic and environmental factors in the host locations.

Mercer use New York as the their base city and all other cities are ranked in relation to it. The categories and criteria that Mercer uses to quantify each city can be found on their website.

B) Mercer's Personal Safety Ranking

The 2011 ranking is based on measures of internal stability, crime levels, law enforcement effectiveness and host country international relations. Cities are compared, scored and then ranked again these measures.

22. Sportsbusiness [part of SGB companies limited] (SB)


The Ultimate Sports City awards are the result of extensive independent research into the business of hosting major sports events. More information on the research and the ranking that underlies the awards can be found at The full Ultimate Sports Cities report includes expert analysis, case-studies and ultimately, rankings of the very best sports hosts from around the world.

23. International Passenger Survey


Survey data is collected on the International Passenger Survey via face to face interviews with passengers passing through ports and on routes into and out of the UK. The IPS methodology involves conducting between 700,000 and 800,000 interviews a year, of which over 250,000 are used to produce estimates of Overseas Travel and Tourism patterns.

A multi stage sampling design is employed which involves sampling a port or route on a given day and within a given period of the day (this is referred to as a 'shift'); and within the shift certain passengers passing an interview line are systematically chosen for interview at fixed intervals from a random start.

Further information on sampling design and weighting can be found at

24. United Kingdom Traveller Survey/ Great Britain Traveller Survey


Data on domestic overnight tourism visits and expenditure to Scotland have been obtained from the UK Tourism Survey (UKTS) for each year up to and including 2010. In 2011, the Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS) replaced the UKTS and data on overnight visits and expenditure from Northern Ireland are not collected from this survey. This means that results from the UKTS and GBTS are NOT comparable. Both the UKTS and the GBTS are run by VisitBritain. Scotland level results from the UKTS and GBTS can be found on the VisitScotland website (see above).

Data on domestic overnight tourism visits and expenditure Glasgow City local authority are also obtained from the UKTS/GBTS and these are published as part of the VisitScotland website Regional Statistics document: "Tourism in Western Scotland"

25. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)


HBSC is a cross-national study involving a multi-disciplinary network of researchers from 43 countries & regions in Europe and North America.

The Scottish component of the HBSC aims to gain new insight into, and increase understanding of adolescent health behaviours, health and lifestyles in their social context.

HBSC was initiated in 1982 by researchers from 3 countries (Finland, Norway and England) and shortly afterwards the project was adopted by the World Health Organisation as a WHO collaborative study. The first cross-national survey was conducted in 1983/84 and since then data collection has been carried out every four years using a common research protocol.

The HBSC survey instrument is a standard questionnaire developed by the international network of researchers and used by all participating countries. The target age groups are 11, 13 and 15 year olds with a sample of approximately 1500 from each age group in all participating countries. The data collected in each country is compiled into an international data file, which is managed by the Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) at the University of Bergen in Norway under the guidance of the study's Data Bank Manager.

Each survey questionnaire contains a core set of questions looking at the following:

  • Background factors: demographics, social background (family structure, socio-economic status), maturation
  • Individual and social resources: body image, family support, peers, school environment
  • Health behaviours: physical activity, eating and dieting, smoking, alcohol use, cannabis use, sexual behaviour, violence and bullying, injuries
  • Health outcomes: symptoms, life satisfaction, self-reported health, Body Mass Index

The international standard questionnaire enables the collection of common data across all participating countries and thus enables the quantification of patterns of key health behaviours, health indicators and contextual variables. These data allow cross-national comparisons to be made and, with successive surveys, trend data is gathered and may be examined at both the national and cross-national level. As well as being a research and monitoring study, HBSC also aims to inform and have impact on health promotion and health education policy, programmes and practice aimed at young people at both national and international levels.

26. Understanding Society (formally known as the UKHLS)

Understanding Society is a longitudinal study based on a household panel design. It collects a wide range of information on a great number of topics over time. Topics include:

  • Standard of living measures (income, consumption, material deprivation, expenditure, financial well-being)
  • Family, social networks and interactions, local contexts, social support, technology and social contacts
  • Attitudes and behaviours related to environmental issues (energy, transport, air quality, global warming etc)
  • Illicit and risky behaviour (crime, drug use, anti-social behaviour etc)
  • Lifestyle, social, political, religious and other participation, identity and related practices, dimensions of life satisfaction/happiness
  • Psychological attributes, cognitive abilities and behaviour
  • Preferences, beliefs, attitudes and expectations
  • Health outcomes and health related behaviour
  • Education, human capital and work
  • Initial conditions, life history


It is an annual survey of a nationally representative sample of people living in around 40,000 households. Given the large sample size and survey fieldwork capacity constraints, data collection takes place over a two year period for each wave of the survey. The sample is randomly allocated to monthly samples across this period. While each wave of the survey takes two years to complete, the waves overlap so that sample members are interviewed annually. There are four elements to the sample:

  • General population sample (28,000 - 29,000 households)
  • Innovation Panel sample (1,500 households)
  • Ethnic minority boost sample (1,000 adult individuals in each of five main ethnic minority groups)
  • British Household Panel Study sample (8,400 households)

27. Input-Output

Input-Output framework of the European System of Accounts (ESA 1995) consists of three types of tables: Supply Tables, Use Tables and Symmetric Input-Output Tables. The Tables provide a complete picture of the flows of goods and services (products) in the economy for a given year. They detail the relationship between producers and consumers and the interdependencies of industries. The Supply and Use Tables are the basic building blocks; all other Input-Output analyses are derived from them. Symmetric Tables (a.k.a. the Analytical Tables) represent the modelling aspect of the Input-Output framework.

28. Labour Force Survey (LFS)


A continuous household survey conducted in England, Scotland and Wales that provides information on the labour market, including employment, unemployment and economic activity rates.

29. Annual Population Survey (APS)


The Annual Population Survey (APS) combines results from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and the English, Welsh and Scottish Labour Force Survey boosts. The boosts increase the sample size which means the APS can provide more robust labour market estimates for local areas compared to the main LFS. Thus the APS is the primary source for information on local labour markets providing headline estimates on employment, unemployment and economic activity.


We provide a short definition of key organisations referred to within the report, with a link to their website where appropriate.

Commonwealth Games Scotland


Commonwealth Games Scotland is the lead body for Commonwealth Sport in Scotland and is responsible for selecting, preparing and managing Scotland's team at the Commonwealth Games and Commonwealth Youth Games.

Glasgow 2014 Organising Committee (OC)


Glasgow 2014 Ltd is the official name for the Organising Committee, the company set up to deliver the XX Commonwealth Games.

Clyde Gateway Urban Regeneration Company (URC)


URC is a specially created urban regeneration company covering 840 hectares across the east end of Glasgow, including Bridgeton and Dalmarnock and Rutherglen and Shawfield in South Lanarkshire.

Glasgow Community Planning Partners


The Glasgow Community Planning parts are the members of the Glasgow Community Planning Partnership (CPP) which was formed in February 2004 to take forward the city's approach to Community Planning. The Partnership brings key public, private, community and voluntary representatives together with the aim of delivering better, more joined-up public services in the city. An important part of the Partnership's work is to ensure that the targeted regeneration of Glasgow continues to improve the quality of life for citizens and visitors.

ILO unemployment

International Labour Organization (a specialised agency of the United Nations) sponsored statistical definition of unemployment - adopted by the Thirteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (October 1982).

SDS - Skills Development Scotland


SDS is Scotland's skills body, which is committed to better equipping people for rewarding careers and businesses for growth.

DWP - Department of Work and Pensions


The Department for Work and Pensions is responsible for welfare and pension policy and is a key player in tackling child poverty. It is the biggest public service delivery department in the UK and serves over 20 million customers. DWP supports the government's commitment to being transparent about public finances.



Creative Scotland is the national leader for Scotland's arts, screen and creative industries. It's our job to help Scotland's creativity shine at home and abroad.

BussinessClub Scotland


BusinessClub Scotland is an initiative designed to help Scotland's business organisations capitalise on the opportunities generated by major events in Scotland both in the run up to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games and beyond. The Club facilitates contract opportunities, business networking and business engagement around major sporting and cultural events in Scotland. It works to ensure that Scottish companies and business organisations are supported, engaged and business-ready to maximise contract opportunities and win business.

SCDI - Scottish Council for Development and Industry


The Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI) is an independent membership network, which aims to strengthen Scotland's competitiveness by influencing Government policies to encourage sustainable economic prosperity. It is a broad-based economic development organisation, with membership drawn from Scottish business, trades unions, public agencies, educational institutions, local authorities, and the voluntary sector.

Scottish Chamber of Commerce


The Scottish Chamber of Commerce is the umbrella organisation for 20 local Chambers of Commerce - representing more than 50 percent of private sector jobs in Scotland.

Institute of Directors


The Institute of Directors is the UK's longest running organisation for professional leaders, they are dedicated to supporting our 38,000 members, encouraging entrepreneurial activity and promoting responsible business practice for the benefit of the business community and society as a whole.

Federation of Small Business

( )

The Federation of Small Businesses is the UK's largest campaigning pressure group promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed and owners of small firms. Formed in 1974, it now has 200,000 members across 33 regions and 194 branches.



Established in 2003, EventScotland works to generate, bid for, attract and sustain events which will drive tourism and create international profile for Scotland. EventScotland is dedicated to leading Scotland's events industry and strengthening the nation's position as a world class events destination.

Scottish Enterprise


Scottish Enterprise identifies and exploits opportunities for economic growth by supporting Scottish companies to compete, helping to build globally competitive sectors, attracting new investment and creating a world-class business environment



Working closely with private businesses, public agencies and local authorities, we work to ensure that our visitors experience the very best of Scotland and that the country makes the most of its outstanding tourism assets and realises its potential.

Glasgow City Marketing Bureau


Glasgow City Marketing Bureau (GCMB) is the official destination marketing organisation for the city of Glasgow. As a public/private organisation established by Glasgow City Council in 2005, Glasgow City Marketing Bureau's role is to communicate Glasgow's reputation as a world-class city in which to live, work, study, invest and visit.

International Cultural Summit


The first International Culture Summit was held in Edinburgh in August 2012. The Summit was a collaboration between the Scottish Government, the UK Government, the British Council and the Edinburgh International Festival and was hosted at the Scottish Parliament. The Summit theme was 'Culture as an International Dialogue' and the programme was devised around three strategic strands: the role of the arts and culture in deepening and broadening our understanding of the complex relationships between cultures and nations; Sustaining private and public support for culture; Future skills for the creative industries and the role of technology.

Scottish Disability Sports


Scottish Disability Sport (formerly the Scottish Sports Association for Disabled People [SSAD]) was formed in 1962 to encourage the development of sport and physical recreation for disabled people throughout Scotland.

Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF)


The CGF is the organisation that is responsible for the direction and control of the Commonwealth Games.


Email: Imelda Giarchi

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