
Physical intervention in schools: equality impact assessment

The results of the equality impact assessment for Included, engaged and involved part 3: a relationships and rights-based approach to physical intervention in schools.

The Scope of the EQIA

The impact of the guidance on the protected characteristics of Age, Disability, Sex, Pregnancy and Maternity, Gender Reassignment, Sexual Orientation, Race Religion or Belief and Marriage and Civil Partnership was considered alongside the 3 public sector equality duties (Eliminate discrimination, Advance equality of opportunity and Foster good relations).

Published evidence of the impacts of the practices of restraint and seclusion on children and young people were considered. Published data on behaviour in Scottish schools from Scottish Government research and trade union member surveys were also considered. While they do not provide direct evidence of the use of restraint and seclusion in schools, they do provide evidence of the context in which positive relationships-based approaches are being used in schools. Evidence of the latest information on the reasons why additional support was provided was also considered as contextual evidence of the current needs of children and young people in school.

Evidence was gathered through online searches of published reports and via members of the physical intervention working group.



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