Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029: equality impact assessment (EQIA)

How Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029 may impact on equality, including socio-economic disadvantage. This report includes Fairer Scotland Duty.

Section 6: Monitoring

Describe how you will monitor the impact of this policy, practice or project e.g. performance indicators used, other monitoring arrangements, who will monitor progress, criteria used to measure achievement of outcomes:

The Forestry Strategy will be laid before Parliament following the commencement of the Forest and Land Management (Scotland) Act on 1st April, 2019.

The Scottish Government will work with a range of partners and stakeholders to deliver the strategy. Within 12 months of laying the Strategy before Parliament, we will publish an implementation, monitoring and reporting framework. This framework will include:

  • Key delivery milestones
  • A set of indicators to enable us to monitor the delivery of the strategy's objectives.
  • A reporting schedule that includes the publication dates of the statutorily required three-yearly progress reports.

Within the strategy, Scottish Ministers have also committed to establishing a national stakeholder group to advise on, and support the implementation of the Forestry Strategy.

Scottish Ministers are required to keep the strategy under review. This will include 3-yearly reports that we will lay before Scottish Parliament. In line with this, the EQIA will be reviewed every 3 years.

When and how is the policy, practice or project due to be reviewed?

Scottish Ministers are required to keep this strategy under review and begin the process of revising the strategy no later than 9 years after its publication.


Email: Bob Frost

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