
Educational outcomes of Learning for Sustainability: literature review

Literature review exploring the impact of Learning for Sustainability on educational outcomes.

Appendix A Description of Databases Considered Within the Primary Search


GreenFILE covers the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology.

British Educational Index (BEI)

Compiled and edited at the University of Leeds, BEI provides details about the contents of various literature sources: over 300 education and training journals published in the British Isles, similar report and conference literature, and texts.

Academic Search Complete

Academic Search Complete offers an enormous collection of full-text journals, providing users access to critical information from many sources unique to this database. In addition, it includes peer-reviewed full text for STEM research, as well as for the social sciences and humanities. Scholarly content covers a broad range of important areas of academic study, including anthropology, engineering and law.

Education Source

This database is a merger of databases from EBSCO and H.W. Wilson. It covers all levels of education – from early childhood to higher education – as well as all educational specialities, such as multilingual education, health education and testing.

Humanities International Complete

Humanities International Complete is an essential resource for students, researchers and educators interested in all aspects of the humanities, with worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought. Humanities International Complete is a valuable collection for libraries looking to provide comprehensive coverage of the humanities with full-text content.


Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC) is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.



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