Drug and alcohol workforce: learning directory

Learning opportunities for those working with people affected by substance use.

General Learning

Alcohol: Control 

Provides resources on the role and effectiveness of alcohol control across the UK and beyond.

Provider: Drugwise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Alcohol control 

Alcohol: Education and Prevention 

Provides a range of resources discussing the role of education and prevention for alcohol across the UK and beyond.

Provider: DrugWise
Find out more: Education and prevention

Alcohol: Enforcement and Criminal Justice

Provides resources on the impact of criminal justice and enforcement approaches to alcohol.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Enforcement and criminal justice

Crew: Bespoke Training

Training is created as a package based on the needs of the service or organisation that is booking and can cover different aspects of drug trends, harm reduction, legislation, peer-support or other drug-connected topics.

Provider: Crew
Please contact provider
Find out more: Training (crew.scot)


Drugs Awareness E-learning

Online course, run by Scottish Drugs Forum, open to people new to working in health, social care, or addiction support services and existing staff members looking to brush up on basic drug awareness.

Provider: Scottish Drugs Forum
Cost: Free
Find out more: Drug Awareness - Introductory course

Drugs: Education and Prevention

Provides a range of resources discussing the role of education and prevention across the UK and beyond.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Education and prevention

Drugs: Enforcement and Criminal Justice

Provides resources on the impact of criminal justice and enforcement approaches to drugs.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Enforcement and criminal justice

Drugs: Reform Debate

Provides resources on the debate surrounding the reform of drug laws and enforcement strategies.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Reform debate

Facilitator led courses

A range of facilitator-led training courses held both online and in person. These sessions cover a range of topics.

Provider: Scottish Drugs Forum
Cost: Please contact provider
Find out more: Facilitator Led training

Management of Problem Drug Use Certificate

Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP Scotland) offer a two-part course designed to assist primary care professionals help and care for people affected by drug use. The course focuses on a holistic approach to helping people who use drugs, their families and communities, including new priorities and changes in management and treatment. The ethos of the course is to promote reducing harm and drug deaths within a recovery focused framework. The course is offered in two parts.

This course is open to all professionals working in Primary Care in Scotland.

Provider: Royal College of General Practitioners
Cost: £50 for part 1, £200 for part 2
Find out more: Certificate in the Management of Problem Drug Use

MSc Substance Use (Online)

Specialise in Substance Use with this online MSc and study its impact on people who use substances, family members, communities and contemporary societies.

Provider: University of Stirling
Cost: Please contact provider
Find out more: MSc Substance Use (Online) University of Stirling

Online Training Resources

The European Union Drug Agency (EUDA) advertise a range of online and in-person training, events, and conferences. Follow the page to see what events are upcoming and available.

Provider: The European Drug Agency (EUDA)
Cost: Please contact provider
Find out more: Training | www.euda.europa.eu


PgDip Contemporary Drug and Alcohol Studies

The PGCert / Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) / MSc in Contemporary Alcohol & Drug Studies adopts a critical social science perspective to explore the interplay between psychoactive substances and society.

Provider: University of West of Scotland
Cost: Please contact provider
Find out more: Contemporary Drug & Alcohol Studies | University of the West of Scotland

Supporting Staff Wellbeing (All 10 MAT standards)

Provides a range of information and resources to help support workforce wellbeing.

Provider: NHS Education for Scotland
Cost: Free
Find out more: Supporting staff wellbeing (All 10 MAT standards)

Working with Substance Use, Trauma and Mental Health – Resources and Training for the Scottish Workforce

Provides an overview of the e-learning resources related to substance use, held and operated by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) through TURAS. This page includes reference to some of the key policy and strategy documents relating to substance use in Scotland

Provider: NHS Education for Scotland
Cost: Free
Find out more: Working with substance use, trauma and mental health

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