Environment, natural resources and agriculture research - draft strategy: consultation

Consultation on a draft strategy for the next cycle of research on the environment, natural resources and agriculture which starts in 2022. 

3. Our Objectives

In responding to these strategic drivers of the research programme, the work will be delivered to respond to the following objectives:

  • We will refresh the research programme to ensure that it better captures new and growing policy priorities.
  • We will continue to support the underpinning research capacity, the platform of skilled and connected researchers, data and infrastructure upon which more responsive research can be developed.
  • We will provide the Scottish Government with greater flexibility to respond to emerging needs, through more short-term, responsive research.
  • We will access the best research available by engaging a wider range of research providers, by collaborating with other funders, and by fostering an interdisciplinary approach.
  • We will maximise the impact of our research through engagement with stakeholders and horizon scanning, in a clear, open and measurable way.
  • We will update our funding and governance mechanisms, to ensure that they support these objectives throughout the funding cycle.


Email: RESASConsultation2020@gov.scot

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