Environment, natural resources and agriculture research - draft strategy: consultation

Consultation on a draft strategy for the next cycle of research on the environment, natural resources and agriculture which starts in 2022. 

Annex D: Summary of questions for consultation

1. Are the objectives and priorities set out in the strategy sufficiently clear?

2. The research strategy outlines 5 Research Themes. Is this an appropriate way of structuring our work?

3. Do you think the research strategy will enable us to get the best research and scientific evidence from the best providers?

4. Are the proposals for maximising impact appropriate?

5. Do you support the proposals on delivering our investment?

6. How do you think the Responsive Research Fund (RRF) should be developed and operated?

7. Do you support our aims in working collaboratively with other funding providers?

8. Do you support the new structure for Governance set out within the strategy?

9. Do you have any further comments or suggestions?

Respondents can also choose to respond on specific Research Themes or Topics within the strategy:

1. Do you support this research priority?

2. Do you have any further comments or suggestions?

3. Would you like to comment on a specific Research Topic?


Email: RESASConsultation2020@gov.scot

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