
Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2019/20

Characteristics of victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse incidents recorded by the police in Scotland in 2019/20.

Table 9: Incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police, by age & gender of accused, Scotland, 2019-20

  Gender of accused
Number Rate per 10,000 population4,6
Age group of accused Female Male Not recorded or other 5 Total Female Male Total
Under 16 91 373 1 465 2 8 5
16-18 316 1,024 5 1,345 39 122 82
19-21 562 2,011 5 2,578 59 203 132
22-25 928 4,429 3 5,360 65 305 187
26-30 1,437 7,513 7 8,957 75 391 233
31-35 1,611 7,738 8 9,357 87 432 257
36-40 1,175 6,415 4 7,594 66 373 217
41-50 1,517 7,580 4 9,101 43 226 131
51-60 648 3,649 1 4,298 16 95 54
61 and over 171 1,167 - 1,338 2 19 10
Unknown 62 247 12,205 12,514 - - -
Total 8,518 42,146 12,243 62,907 30 158 115

Please see Notes for tables at end of this chapter.



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