
Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2019/20

Characteristics of victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse incidents recorded by the police in Scotland in 2019/20.

Table 8: Incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police, by age & gender of victim, Scotland, 2019-20

  Gender of victim
Number Rate per 10,000 population4,6
Age group of victim Female Male Not recorded or other 4 Total Female Male Total
Under 16 373 103 1 477 8 2 5
16-18 1,709 185 8 1,902 212 22 116
19-21 3,674 410 1 4,085 383 41 209
22-25 5,913 839 8 6,760 417 58 235
26-30 9,027 1,438 8 10,473 468 75 272
31-35 8,033 1,556 4 9,593 435 87 264
36-40 6,297 1,444 1 7,742 354 84 221
41-50 7,244 1,883 - 9,127 203 56 132
51-60 2,874 1,090 - 3,964 71 28 50
61 and over 859 411 - 1,270 12 7 10
Unknown 96 84 7,334 7,514 - - -
Total 46,099 9,443 7,365 62,907 165 35 115

Please see Notes for tables at end of this chapter.



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