
Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2013/14 and 2014/15

This Official Statistics publication presents statistics on incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police in Scotland in 2013-14 and 2014-15.

Notes for Tables

1. Incidents for 2013-14 were collated at a different period than previous years. This may affect the comparability between years. See section 2.10 for more details.

2. Incidents for 2013-14 and 2014-15 were collected differently from previous years; see section 2 for more details.

3. Between 1990-00 and 2012-13, the legacy police forces recorded domestic abuse information in differing ways. Police practice in deciding when behaviour justifies the recording of a crime or offence may also differ. These differences influenced the number of incidents and the proportion of incidents which led to the recording of a crime or offence.

4. Population estimates are as at mid-year from the National Records of Scotland (NRS) ( NRS have announced discrepancies in the mid-year population estimates. See section 6.23 for more details.

5. 'Not Recorded & Other' includes incidents where the gender is either missing or recorded as transgender.

6. Due to the increased numbers of missing age and gender data, rates per 100,000 population, will be lower than expected. See section 2.7 for more details of missing data.

7. Age of victim and perpetrator are extracted from the iVPD system and linked to each incident. In a small minority of cases the age pairings may, due to data capture or definitional issues, not be a true reflection of the age gap.

8. Incidents with unknown day of recording are allocated to the 15th of the month they occurred. If the month is unknown as well, they are assigned to June.

All tables can be accessed online via the following link:


Email: Alan Sloan

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