
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) School Coordinators: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the implementation of Developing the Young Workforce School Coordinators.

The Scope of the EQIA

In order to gather evidence for the Young Person’s Guarantee EQIA and therefore into this EQIA , a range of steps were taken. This including: researching a number of Government documents and partner papers to find information; consulting with analysts to determine the robustness of the information; and allowing internal colleagues as well as the Young Person’s Guarantee Advisory Board to make comments and add to the evidence.

We are giving due regard to the equality duty by researching a wide variety of information to identify possible data gaps; engaging with equality groups (Intercultural Youth Scotland, Close the Gap, Glasgow Disability Alliance and YWCA Scotland) for their thoughts on this EQIA and; requiring each DYW Regional Group to show evidence of how equality will be advanced throughout the recruitment process and employment of the Coordinators as well as evidence of how those principles will be applied through the recruitment process.



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